Ny fængsling af den danske fredsaktivist Ulla Røder som tidligere er blevet frikendt fra en direkte aktion mod atomvåben ved at henvise til den internationale Domstol i Haags udtalelse om, at brug af atomvåben er en kriminel handling. Efter fire og en halv måned i britisk fængsel blev aktivisterne frifundet - men nu altså en ny fængsling:

Trident Ploughshares, Press Briefing: 18th December 2000

Trident Three Member Arrested
Faslane Security Breached Again

A member of the Trident Three, famously acquitted by Sheriff Margaret Gimblett at Greenock in October 1999, has again been arrested for an anti-Trident action, as MSP Tommy Sheridan begins his jail sentence at Greenock prison.

Early this morning Ulla Roder (45), from Odense in Denmark, cut a hole in the perimeter fence of the Faslane naval complex on the Clyde, where the UK's Trident submarines are berthed, and made her way inside. She intended to cut through the internal fence around the Trident area but was let down by faulty bolt-cutters. She spent some hours exploring inside the complex and eventually, around 9 a.m., began to hang up the placards she had prepared. One placard said: "Peace is not just for Christmas." At this point she was approached by MOD personnel and arrested.

She was charged with malicious mischief (for cutting the fence) and with breaching the bye-laws (for being in a prohibited area) and was later released.

A Trident Ploughshares spokesperson said:
"The fact that Ulla was able to spend several hours in the north end of the Faslane complex without interference suggests that base security is still rather sloppy. Ulla's action again shows that the campaign will continue to give the illegal base no respite from direct action."

David Mackenzie 01324 880744 (07775711054)
Jane Tallents 01436 679194
