15.10.01 Hastesag
Hjælp med at stoppe deportation af den danske
fredsaktivist Ulla Røder
har ï dag modtaget nedenstående mail fra David Mackinzie, Trident Ploughshares.
Røder risikerer at blive udvist.
beder om, at vi skriver så mange breve som muligt - så hurtigt som muligt
til Home Secretary David Blunkett i London.
venligst mailen videre til folk ,som kunne have interesse i sagen.
I betragtning af,
- at den skotske domstol Greenock Sheriff Court tidligere har fundet Ula Røders ikke-voldelige aktioner rigtige i.h.t. til den Internationale Domstols afgørelse d. d. 8 juli 1996, hvor det blev fastslået, at brug såvel som trussel med atomvåben strider mod internationale love
-at hun for nylig har fået "Den alternative Nobelpris",
- og at den dom, hun har fået, kun er på 3 måneders fængsel,
findes det helt urimeligt, at hun muligvis skal udvises.
henvises til yderligere oplysninger på www.gn.apc.org/tp2000
5. og 8. oktober…. 2001.
venlig hilsen
Møller, Kvinder for Fred,
(og Arne Hansen, AMK)
Dear Grete,
Ulla has asked me to contact you to
ask you to write to our Home Secretary
to ask him to reject the
recommendation to deport her from the UK
Thanks you for your help in this.
David Blunkett
Home Secretary
House of Commons
United Kingdom
Dear Mr. Blunkett
Urgent threatened Deportation of Ulla Roder
On 5th October peace activist Ulla
Roder was sentenced in Dumbarton Sheriff
court in Scotland on six counts
relating to nonviolent peace activism. As
well as imposing a three month
prison sentence Sheriff Fitzsimmons stated
that he would recommend to you that
she be deported.
I am writing to ask you to reject
the Sheriff's recommendation. We
understand that deportation from the
UK is normally reserved for
perpetrators of serious offences,
such as drug smuggling convictions that
have a three_year jail sentence. Its
use in Ulla's case is completely
disproportionate. She is a
thoroughly peaceful and nonviolent campaigner
and everyone accepts that she will
harm no_one. Her peace actions have all
been carried out with meticulous
regard for her own and other's safety.
Ulla is a Danish Citizen and it is
particularly inappropriate to raise the
threat of deportation of a peaceful
activist within the borders of the
European Union, and between two
countries respecting the European
Convention on Human rights. Both the Union and the Convention are,
course, underpinned by similar
ideals that strongly defend the right to
Ulla's contribution to the peace
movement in Europe has been considerable.
She is an inspiration to us all and
her commitment has convinced many more
people that there is something every
responsible citizen can do to make the
world a better and safer place.
Your help in this matter is much
David Mackenzie
Trident Ploughshares
Trident Ploughshares e_mail: tp2000@gn.apc.org
Website: tridentploughshares.org