Situationsrapport fra Bethlehem  d. 24. okt.



Hej Arne Hansen.


Fra min ven Noah, der arbejder med freds- og konfliktløsning på

Vestbredden i Israel (i form af forsoning mellem traumatiserede ofre

blandt de stridende parter), har jeg netop fået denne beskrivelse af

situationen i Bethlehem, efter at de israelske sikkerhedsstyrkede

stormede byen i fredags.

Måske du har mulighed for at distribuere den videre til dit netværk?

Jeg videresender den i al fald med en opfordring til alle om at gøre,

hvad man kan for at protestere over den desperate situation. Skriv

artikler til aviserne, skriv til de lokale folketingsmedlemmer:nu må

nogen tænke kreativt, konstruktivt og fremfor alt anderledes, så der

kan komme gang i fredsprocessen igen.

Så længe verden bare ser til, sker der i hvert fald ikke noget, og

volden fortsætter...


Fredelige hilsner,

Anja Johansen (MNF).





Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 11:44 AM

Subject: Love from Bethlehem


Dear Friends,


I feel very sad writing to you today, from Bethlehem the city of love

and peace. The occupation army changed it to the city of ghosts and

violence. Tanks in the streets, curfew, closure, revenge, and

collective punishment. We appeal to you to stop the machines of

killing; until now 15 Palestinian civilians, Christians, and Moslems

were killed, and more than 160 were injured in the last few days.


The Israeli occupation army is refusing the appeals and demands of the

world to take out their tanks from the Palestinian cities, they are on

the right side and all the world is wrong. Even Washington (their best

alliance) asked them to withdraw, and we ask all peace activists, all

peace lovers to stand for their demands to stop the killing machine of

the occupation and liberate our mosques and churches.


 The good news of yesterday is that a big demonstration from Islamic

and Christian religious leaders marched for peace from Jerusalem to

Bethlehem and prayed in the court of church of Nativity for peace.

They demand that the Israeli army take out their tanks from the holy

city of Bethlehem and ask the world to be firm in putting pressure on

the occupation forces.


 Now there are more than 40 Israeli occupation army tanks in

Bethlehem, the holy city of peace, love and justice.

It is very sad that until now more than 15 innocents were killed by

the Israeli army, 4 of them women.


 The israeli tanks destroyed more than 200 cars parked in the streets,

two hotels, hundreds of injured became handicapped, many families are

under curfew and closure for the fifth day, children are not allowed

to go to schools.

The language of power is the only language used by the Israeli



I hope that the protest in the world will do something to stop the

killings, and force the generals of occupation to withdraw from the

churches and mosques and from the streets of our city.


You may not be able to imagine that the Israeli army is using the

churches and mosques as shelter to the soldiers, who shoot the

protesters. The situation is very hard and difficult, we all pray for

an end to this violence. The army of occupation is not doing any thing

except performing revenge and punishment towards all Palestinians for

being Palestinians.


 I don't believe that Sharon is interested in calming the situation or

in making peace. It is known that he has never voted for peace or

cease-fire or made any steps towards peace. He is a militant who knows

only to use the tools of power, killing, and violence.


Yours in peace and reconciliation,

Noah Salameh

The center for conflict resolution and reconciliation


P.O.Box. 861

Bethlehem - Palestine

Telefax : 970-2-2745475

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