Situation in Denmark


            Brussels, 5 December 2001.






The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) represents over 600 NGOs across

the European Union. At its meeting on 1st and 2nd December 2001 in Brussels,

the Board discussed the growing racism, religious discrimination and the

consequences of the advent of right wing political parties in the European

Union. ENAR looks at this negative development in Europe, and particularly

in Denmark, with great concern.


The newly elected Chair of ENAR, Bashy Quraishy, who himself comes from

Denmark is deeply worried about the recent political signals and the harsh

tone in the media debates which the ordinary Danes have been subjected to on

a daily basis. Other progressive forces believe that the establishment of a

Liberal/Conservative government with the help of the anti-immigrant Danish

People's Party is not something that will enhance community trust, benefit

mutual integration or protect ethnic minorities the political and

socio-economical rights in Denmark.


The new Danish government has established a special Ministry for Refugees,

Immigrants and Integration. Many new ministers, prominent media commentators

and mayors are supporting in public the Danish People's Party programme such



* The right to family reunion should be abolished;

* The right to mother tongue education should be taken away;

* The right to obtain Danish citizenship should be curtailed;

* If an immigrant commits a crime, he/she should be deported along with

his/her entire family;

* Defacto refugees should not be allowed into the country;

* Asylumseekers concealing their identity should be deported immediately;

* Every ethnic minority private school will have its grants taken away;

* Permanent residence should be given after 7 years of legal stay in the

country instead of the present 3 years;

* Social assistance can be applied for and obtained only after a 7 years


* Islam must be fought with all means.


There has been strong international criticism and condemnation of the

involvement of the extreme right wing People's Party in the formation of the

new Danish government; its election campaign has been dubbed as unethical,

racist and dirty.


ENAR wishes to point out that Denmark as a part of the international

community and especially as a Member of the European Union cannot treat its

minorities as second class citizens or deprive them of their basic human




For further information, please contact ENAR: E-mail:,


Rue de la Charité 43, B-1210 Brussels, Belgium, Phone: +32-2-229.35.70 /

Fax: +32-2-229.35.75