18.09.02    Trident Ploughshares:


Send straks et postkort til den amerikanske ambassade om at undlade krig mod Irak


Kære Fredsvenner

Hermed videregives nedenstående opfordring  fra Trident Ploughshares(Ulla Røders antiatomvåben-organisation) til straks at sende et postkort til den amerikanske ambasade  i Danmark om at undlade krig mod Irak. Den internationale våbenstilstandsdag d. 21. september bruges som anledning.


Embassy of the United States of America

Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 24,

2100 København Ø.

Tlf. (+45) 35 55 31 44

Fax: (+45) 35 43 02 23


Med venlig hilsen

Arne Hansen, Aldrig mere Krig


On Sun, 08 Sep 2002 20:11:50 +0100, "River K.H. Wright" <khw4@tutor.open.ac.uk> wrote:


hi everyone,


The 21st September has been designated International Cease Fire Day by the



Please send a picture postcard to the US ambassador to arrive on the 19th,

20th, 21st Sepatember.


The point about a postcard is that it is easy to read, as it does not need

opening.  They have to look at every item of mail, and a clear, one-line

message will inevitably get read by staff, even if the ambassador only

gets a "count" of items received.


Pictures relevant to your locality will emphasise the fact that we are

writing from all over;  alternatively a picture with a peace message to

emphasise what we are asking.


Please give a simple message in your own words, perhaps asking the US to

honour the Cease Fire, or not defile it with a new war, or some such.


I Danmark er adressen


Embassy of the United States of America

Dag Hammarskjölds Allé 24,

2100 København Ø.

Tlf. (+45) 35 55 31 44

Fax: (+45) 35 43 02 23


People in other countries may know the relevant address, or can find it on



(note the list is in alphabetical order of country, even tho the listing

is by city!)


Please circulate this request to as many other networks as you can (online

and offline). 





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http://mailman.greennet.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/tp2000- l