On Tue, 29
Oct 2002 0:20:16 +0100, <aminsharifi@get2net.dk> wrote:
UN halts Afghan repatriation
The return
of the refugees is again under threat
The United
Nations has suspended its programme of returning refugees to northern
Afghanistan because of the "extremely volatile" security situation.
Hassan, the spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in
Kabul, said on Tuesday that conditions were now too "precarious".
suspension came amid reports of continuing tensions between forces loyal to
rival warlords Abdul Rashid Dostum and Atta Mohammad.
The number
of refugees affected by this move is not certain but they include people hoping
to return to the northern and central provinces of Faryab, Jozjan, Balkh and
tensions between rival warlords are known to be high in these provinces despite
the recent establishment of President Hamid Karzai's new government in Kabul.
General Dostum, an Uzbek, and Mr Mohammad, a Tajik, support Mr Karzai's
refugees face an uncertain future
But clashes
between fighters from their militias have badly affected the security situation
across much of northern Afghanistan in recent weeks.
UNHCR is extremely concerned about the escalating violence and the worsening
human rights situation in northern and central Afghanistan," Mr Hassan
told the Associated Press news agency.
The Uzbek
and Tajik militias have clashed sporadically since Northern Alliance forces
recaptured the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif from Taleban units with US
assistance last year.
forces say Dostum's militia captured 16 of their Tajik villages 50 miles from
Mr Hassan says
the violence has been compounded by an increase in criminal activity including
robbery, rape and murder across the region.
Cash needed
the repatriation process faces another intractable difficulty - a shortage of
The UN's
World Food Programme (WFP), which provides rations to Afghan refugees
sheltering abroad, and recently returned Afghans, said on Tuesday it urgently
needed $102 million for its Afghanistan programme.
Millions of
dollars are still needed
launched an appeal in April to raise $285 million but has so far received only
64% of the target amount.
The United
States contributed $116 million, and the European Union, $7.2 million, a WFP
statement said, but among Asian and Arab countries, only Japan had made any
says it still needs 175,000 tonnes of food worth $102 million for the Afghan
refugees, including the million who have recently returned home.
2) Hjemsendelse af afghanske flygtninge?
Interview med den afghanske asylmodtager Goulam Farough
Hør det selv på http://www.radiofmr.dk/shahabi.htm
Shahabi fraråder hovedkulds tvangshjemsendelse af afviste
asylsøgere til Afghanistan. Shahabi kender de gamle kendinge som nu har fået
magt igen. Det er de samme som misbrugte og formøblede den store chance som de
fik i 1992 for at lade Afghanistan starte på en frisk. Hvis han selv tog hjem
ville de slå ham ihjel.
De nuværende lokale magthavere tåler ingen opposition og
respekterer ikke de nødvendige demokratiske spilleregler med at snakke sammen
og i fællesskab finde gode løsninger for alle afghanere. Der er i øjeblikket
mange dygtige og fremsynede mennesker i Afghanistan, men det nuværende styre
vil ikke given dem nogen chance for at medvirke ved genopbygning af
Afghaneren Goulam Farough Shahabi tager ud fra sine egne
dyrekøbte erfaringer afstand al krig, da det ikke gavner menneskene - og det
gør en amerikansk krig mod Irak heller.