
Iraq: All modern wars are NUCLEAR wars

From: "Fredrik S. Heffermehl" <fredpax@online.no>

Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 11:19:25 +0100


Even if, like me, you put 9 of 10 signature lists aside, please join

this protest letter in support of an article by prominent  and world famous

medical expert, Helen Caldicott, MD. Here she explains in scientific terms

the radioactive legacy that will be left for our children - lasting forever.


Today we are at a point of imbalance in the world and are moving toward

what may be the beginning of a THIRD WORLD WAR.  War is obsolete -

we must stop it for even the "winners" will be the losers for all time.


We can make a difference. If you are for peace, the

UN is gathering signatures in an effort to avoid a tragic world event.

PLEASE COPY (rather than Forward) this e-mail in a new message, sign

at the end of the list, and send it to all the people whom you know.


Helen Caldicott, October 6, 2002

(Editorial published in the Baltimore Sun) NEW YORK


-- As the Bush administration prepares to make war on the Iraqi

people -- for it is the civilian population of that country and not Saddam

Hussein who will bear the brunt of the hostilities -- it is important that

we recall the medical consequences of the last Persian Gulf war. It was, in

effect, a nuclear war.


By the end of that 1991 conflict, the United States

left between 300 and 800 tons of depleted uranium 238 in anti-tank shells

and other explosives on the battlefields of Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

The term "depleted" refers to the removal of the fissionable element uranium

235 through a process that ironically is called "enrichment." What remains,

uranium 238, is 1.7 times more dense than lead. When incorporated into an

anti-tank shell and fired, it achieves great momentum, cutting through tank

armor like a hot knife through butter.


What other properties does uranium

238 possess? First, it is pyrophoric. When it hits a tank at high speed, it

bursts into flames, producing aerosolized particles less than 5 microns in

diameter,making them easy to inhale into the terminal air passages of the

lung. Second, it is a potent radioactive carcinogen,emitting a relatively

heavy alpha particle composed of two protons and two neutrons. Once inside

the body -- either in the lung if it has been inhaled, in a wound if it

penetrates flesh, or ingested since it concentrates in the food chain and

contaminates water-- it can produce cancer in the lungs, bones, blood or

kidneys. Third, it has a half-life of 4.5 billion= years, meaning the areas

in which this ammunition was used in Iraq and Kuwait will remain effectively

radioactive for the rest of time. Children are 10 to 20 times more sensitive

to then effects of radiation than adults.


My fellow pediatricians in the

Iraqi city of Basra, for example, report an increase of six to 12 times in

the incidence of childhood leukemia and cancer. Yet because of the sanctions

imposed on Iraq by the United States and the United Nations, they have no

access to antibiotics, chemotherapeutic drugs or effective radiation

machines to treat their patients. The incidence of congenital malformations

has doubled in the exposed populations in Iraq where these weapons were

used. Among them are babies being born with only one eye and with an

encephaly -- the absence of a brain.


However, the medical consequences of

the use of uranium 238 almost certainly did not affect only Iraqis. Some

American veterans exposed to it are reported, by at least one medical

researcher, to be excreting uranium in their urine a decade later. Other

reports indicate it is being excreted in their semen. That nearly one-third

of the American tanks used in Desert Storm were made of uranium 238 is

another story, for their crews were exposed to whole body gamma radiation.

What might be the long-term consequences of such exposure has not,

apparently, been studied.


Would these effects have surprised U.S.

authorities? No, for incredible as it may seem, the American military's own

studies prior to Desert Storm warned that aerosol uranium exposure under

battlefield conditions could lead to cancers of the lung and bone, kidney

damage, non-malignant lung disease, neurocognitive disorders, chromosomal

damage and birth defects.


Do President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney,

Deputy>Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, National Security Adviser

Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld understand the

medical consequences of the 1991 war and the likely health effects of the

next one they are planning? If they don't, their ignorance is breathtaking.

Even more incredible, though, and much more likely, is that they do

understand but don't care.


Helen Caldicott, MD, founder and president of the

Nuclear Policy Research Institute, has devoted 25 years to an international

campaign to educate the public about the medical hazards of the nuclear age.

Her most recent book is The New Nuclear Danger: George W. Bush's

Military-Industrial Complex (The New Press, 2002).


If you receive this list with more than 500 names, please send a copy of the

message to: unicwash@unicwash.org Even if you decide not to sign, please

consider forwarding the petition on instead of eliminating it. THANKS.



1) Suzanne Dathe, Grenoble, France> >2) Laurence COMPARAT, Grenoble, France>

>3) Philippe MOTTE, Grenoble, France> >4) Jok FERRAND, Mont St. Martin, France>

>5) Emmanuelle PIGNOL, St Martin d'Heres,FRANCE> >6) Marie GAUTHIER, Grenoble,

FRANCE> >7) Laurent VESCALO, Grenoble, FRANCE> >8) Mathieu MOY, St Egreve,

FRANCE> >9) Bernard BLANCHET, Mont St Martin,FRANCE> >10) Tassadite FAVRIE,

Grenoble, FRANCE> >11) Loic GODARD, St Ismier, FRANCE> >12) Benedicte

PASCAL, Grenoble, FRANCE> >13) Khedaidja BENATIA, Grenoble, FRANCE> >14)

Marie-Therese LLORET, Grenoble,FRANCE> >15) Benoit THEAU, Poitiers, FRANCE>

>16) Bruno CONSTANTIN, Poitiers, FRANCE> >17) Christian COGNARD, Poitiers,

FRANCE> >18) Robert GARDETTE, Paris, FRANCE> >19) Claude CHEVILLARD,

Montpellier, FRANCE> >20) gilles FREISS, Montpellier, FRANCE> >21) Patrick

AUGEREAU, Montpellier, FRANCE> >22) Jean IMBERT, Marseille, FRANCE> >23)

Jean-Claude MURAT, Toulouse, France> >24) Anna BASSOLS, Barcelona,

Catalonia> >25) Mireia DUNACH, Barcelona, Catalonia> >26) Michel VILLAZ,

Grenoble, France> >27) Pages Frederique, Dijon, France> >28) Rodolphe

FISCHMEISTER,Chatenay-Malabry, France> >29) Francois BOUTEAU, Paris, France>

>30) Patrick PETER, Paris, France> >31) Lorenza RADICI, Paris, France> >32)

Monika Siegenthaler, Bern, Switzerland> >33) Mark Philp, Glasgow, Scotland>

>34) Tomas Andersson, Stockholm, Sweden> >35) Jonas Eriksson,

>Stockholm, Sweden>

>36) Karin Eriksson, Stockholm, Sweden> >37) Ake Ljung, Stockholm, Sweden> >38)

Carina Sedlmayer, Stockholm, Sweden> >39) Rebecca Uddman, Stockholm, Sweden>

>40) Lena Skog, Stockholm, Sweden> >41) Micael Folke, Stockholm, Sweden> >42)

Britt-Marie Folke, Stockholm, Sweden> >43) Birgitta Schuberth, Stockholm,

Sweden> >44) Lena Dahl, Stockholm, Sweden> >45) Ebba Karlsson, Stockholm,

Sweden> >46) Jessica Carlsson, Vaxjo, Sweden> >47) Sara Blomquist, Vaxjo,

Sweden> >48) Magdalena Fosseus, Vaxjo, Sweden> >49) Charlotta Langner,

Goteborg, Sweden> >50) Andrea Egedal, Goteborg, Sweden> >51) Lena Persson,

Stockholm, Sweden> >52) Magnus Linder, Umea ,Sweden> >53) Petra Olofsson,

Umea, Sweden> >54) Caroline Evenbom, Vaxjo, Sweden> >55) Asa Peterson,

Grimes, Sweden> >56) Jessica Bjork, Grimes, Sweden> >57) Linda Ahlbom

Goteborg, Sweden> >58) Jenny Forsman, Boras, Sweden> >59) Nina Gunnarson,

Kinna, Sweden> >60) Andrew Harrison, New Zealand> >61) Bryre Murphy, New

Zealand> >62) Claire Lugton, New Zealand> >63) Sarah Thornton, New Zealand>

>64) Rachel Eade, New Zealand> >65) Magnus Hjert, London, UK> >67) Madeleine

Stamvik, Hurley, UK> >68) Susanne Nowlan, Vermont, USA> >69) Lotta Svenby,

Malmoe, Sweden> >70) Adina Giselsson, Malmoe, Sweden> >71) Anders Kullman,

Stockholm, Sweden> >72) Rebecka Swane, Stockholm, Sweden> >73) Jens Venge,

Stockholm, Sweden> >74) Catharina Ekdahl, Stockholm, Sweden> >75) Nina

Fylkegard, Stockholm, Sweden> >76) Therese Stedman, Malmoe, Sweden> >77)

Jannica Lund, Stockholm, Sweden> >78) Douglas Bratt> >79) Mats Lofstrom,

Stockholm, Sweden> >80) Li Lindstrom, Sweden> >81) Ursula Mueller, Sweden>

>82) Marianne Komstad ius, Stockholm, Sweden> >83) Peter Thyselius, Stockholm,

Sweden> >84) Gonzalo Oviedo, Quito, Ecuador> 85) Amalia Romeo,>Gland,>

>Switzerland> >86) Margarita Restrepo, Gland, Switzerland> >87) Eliane Ruster,

Crans p.C., Switzerland> >88) Jennifer Bischoff-Elder, Hong Kong> >89) Azita

Lashgari, Beirut, Lebanon> >90) Khashayar Ostovany, New York, USA> >91) Lisa

L Miller, Reno NV> >92) Danielle Avazian, Los Angeles, CA> >93) Sara

Risher,Los Angeles,Ca.> >94) Melanie London, New York, NY> >95) Susan

Brownstein , Los Angeles, CA> >96) Steven Raspa, San Francisco, CA> >97)

Margot Duane, Ross, CA> >98) Natasha Darnall, Los Angeles, CA> >99) Candace

Brower, Evanston, IL> >100) James Kjelland, Evanston, IL> >101) Michael

Jampole, Beach Park, IL, USA> >102) Diane Willis, Wilmette, IL, USA> >103)

Sharri Russell, Roanoke, VA, USA> >104) Faye Cooley, Roanoke, VA, USA> >105)

Celeste Thompson, Round Rock, TX, USA> >106) Sherry Stang, Pfluge rville,

TX, USA> >107) Amy J. Singer, Pflugerville, TX USA> >108) Milissa Bowen,

Austin, TX USA> >109) Michelle Jozwiak, Brenham, TX USA> >110) Mary Orsted,

College Station, TX USA> >111) Janet Gardner, Dallas, TX USA> >112) Marilyn

Hollingsworth, Dallas, TX USA> >113) Nancy Shamblin, Garland. TX USA> >114)

K. M. Mullen, Houston, TX - USA> >115) Noreen Tolman, Houston, Texas - USA>

>116) Laurie Sobolewski, Warren, MI> >117) Kellie Sisson Snider, Irving Texas>

>118) Carol Currie, Garland, Garland Texas> >119) John Snyder, Garland, TX USA>

>120) Elaine Hannan, South Africa> >121) Jayne Howes, South Africa> >122) Diane

Barnes, Akron, Ohio> >123) Melanie Dass Moodley, Durban, SouthAfrica> >124)

Imma Merino, Barcelona, Catalonia> >125) Toni Vinas, Barcelona, Catalonia>

>126) Marc Alfaro, Barcelona, Catalonia> >127) Manel Saperas, Barcelona,

Catalonia> >128) Jordi Ribas Izquierdo, Catalonia> >129) Naiana Lacorte

Rodes, Catalonia> >13 0) Joan Vitoria i Codina, Barcelona,Catalonia> >131)

Jordi Paris i Romia, Barcelona,Catalonia> >131) Marta Truno i Salvado,

Barcelona,Catalonia> >132) Jordi Lagares Roset, Barcelona,Catalonia> >133)

Josep Puig Vidal, Barcelona,Catalonia> >134) Marta Juanola i Codina,

Barcelona,Catalonia> >135) Manel de la Fuente i Colino,Barcelona,Catalonia>

>136) Gemma Belluda i Ventura, Barcelona,Catalonia> >137) Victor Belluda i

Ventur, Barcelona,Catalonia> >138) MaAntonia Balletbo, barcelona, Spain>

>139) Mireia Masdevall Llorens, Barcelona,Spain> >140) Clara Planas, Barcelona,

Spain> >141) Fernando Labastida Gual, Barcelona,Spain> >142) Cristina

Vacarisas, Barcelona, Spain> >143) Enric Llarch i Poyo, Barcelona,CATALONIA>

>144) Rosa Escoriza Valencia, Barcelona,Catalonia> >145) Silvia Jimenez,

Barcelona, Catalonia> >146) Maria Clarella, Barcelona, Catalonia> >147)

Angels Guimera, Barcelona, Catalonia> >148) M.Carmen Ruiz Fernandez,

Barcelona,Cataloni a> >149) Rufi Cerdan Heredia, Barcelona,Catalonia> >150)

M. Teresa Vilajeliu Roig, Barcelona,Catalonia> >151) Rafel LLussa, Girona,

Catalonia,Spain> >152) Mariangels Gallego Ribo, Gelida,Catalonia> >153)

Jordi Cortadella, Gelida, Catalonia> >154) Pere Botella, Barcelona,

Catalonia(Spain)> >155) Josefina Auladell Baulenas, Catalunya(Spain)> >156)

Empar Escoin Carceller, Catalunya(Spain)> >157) Elisa Pla Soler, Catalunya

(Spain)> >158) Paz orillo Bosch, catalunya (Spain)> >159) Cristina Bosch

Moreno, Madrid (Spain)> >160) Marta Puertolas, Barcelona (Spain)> >161)

Elisa del Pino (Madrid) Spain> >162) Joaquin Rivera (Madrid) Spain> >163)

Carmen Barral (Madrid) Spain> >164) Carmen del Pino (Madrid) Spain> >165)

Asuncion del Pino (Madrid) Spain> >166) Asuncion Cuesta (Madrid) Spain)>

>167) Ana Polo Mediavilla (Burgos) Spain> >168) Mercedes Romero Laredo

(Burgos)Espana> >169) Oliva Mertinez Fernandez (Burgos)Espana> >170) Silvia

Leal Apar icio (Burgos) Espana> >171) Claudia Elizabeth

Larrauri>(BahiaBlanca),Argentina> >172) Federico G. Pietrokovsky

(C.F.)Argentina> >173) Naschel Prina (Capital Federal)Argentina> >174)

Daniela Gozzi (Capital Federal)Argentina> >175) Paula Elisa Kvedaras

(CapitalFederal)Argentina> >176) Antonio Izquierdo (Valencia) Espana> >177)

Ana Belen Perez Solsona (Valencia)Espana> >178) Paula Folques Diago

(Valencia) Espana> >179) Nestor Alis Pozo (Valencia) Espana> >180) Rafael

Alis Pozo (valencia) Spain> >181) Isabel Maria Martinez (Valencia)Espana>

>182) Cristina Bernad Guerrero (Valencia)Espana> >183) Iria Barcia Sanchez>

>184) Elena Barrios Barcia. Uppsala. Suecia> >185) Illana Ortiz Martin.

Munchen.Alemania> >186) Santiago Rodriguez Rasero. M=B8nchen.Alemania> >187)

David Ag=CBs D=CCaz. Pamplona. Espa=D2a> >188) Juan Luis Ibarretxe.

Galdakao. E.H.> >189) Rub=CCn D=CCez Ealo. Galdakao. E.H.> >190) Marcial

Rodr~iguez Garc=CCa. Ermua.> >191) Ima nol Echave Calvo. San

Sebastian.Spain> >192) Beg=B7 Ortiz de>ZarateLazcano.Vitoria-Gasteiz.Spain>

>193) David Sanchez Agirregomezkorta.Gasteiz.Euskadi.> >194) Alberto RuizDe

Alda.Gasteiz.Euzkadi> >195) Juan Carlos

Garcia>Obregon.Vitoria-Gasteiz.Espana> >196) Jon Aiarza Lotina.

Santander.Spain> >197) teresa del Hoyo Rojo. Santander.> >198) Celia Nespral

Gaztelumendi.Santander. Espana> >199) Pedro Martin Villamor,

Valladolid.Espana> >200) Victoria Arratia Martin, Valladolid,Espana> >201)

Javi Tajadura Martin,Portugalete,Euskadi.Spain> >202) Lourdes Palacios

Martin, Bilbao, Spain> >203) JesTs Avila de Grado, Madrid, Espana> >204) Eva

Mar=CCa Cano L=DBpez. Madrid. Spain> >205) Emilio Ruiz Olivar, Londres, UK>

>206) Maru Ortega Garc=CCa del Moral,CALAHORRA, ESPA> >207) Juan Carlos Ayala,

Calvo, Logro=CCo, Spain> >208) Roc=C8o Mu=D2oz Pino, Logro=D2o, Espana>

>209) Ximena Pino Burgos, Santiago, Chile> >210) Roberto Saldivia Quezada,

Santiago,C hile> >211) Paola Gonzalez Valderrama, Santiago,Chile> >212)

Cesar Morales Pe=B7 y Lillo, Santiago> >213) Denisse Labarca Abdala ,

Santiago,Chile> >214) Mar=CCa Paz Gonz~alez Garay> >215) Daniela Millar

Kaiser, Santiago,Chile> >216) Alvaro Wigand Perales, Valdivia,Chile> >217)

Gladys Bustos Carrasco, Quilicura,Chile> >218) Patricio Criado Rivera,

Quilicura,Chile> >219) Carolina Aguilar Monsalve, Valdivia,Chile> >220)

Carmen Silva Utrilla, Madrid, Espana> >221) Martha Yolanda Rodriguez

Aviles,Queretaro,Mexico>> >222) LAURA


YUCATAN> >224) [Sofia Gallego] Mexicali, B.C. Mexico> >225) BEATRIZ CASTA>

>226) VICTOR KERBER PALMA,Monterrey, Mexico> >227) Rocco Sanchez Losada, Mexico

D.F.> >228) Lorenza Estanda Gonzalez Luna, Mexico D.F.> >229) Gabriel

Gallardo D'Aiuto,Mexico D.F.> >230) Jose Antonio Salinas, Monterrey, N.L.,

Mex.> >231) Laura Cantu, Mty N.L., Mex> >232) Jossie Garcia, Mty N.L Mex>

>233) Martha Vazquez Gonzalez, Mty, N.L.; Mex.> >234) Olga Moreno, Monterrey,

NL, Mex> >235) Mariana Camargo, Pto. Vallarta, Jal; Mex.> >236) Alfonso

Villa, Toluca, Mexico> >237) Arturo Rodriguez Reyes, Toluca, Edo Mexico,>

>MEXICO> >238) Fernanda Villela, Mexico D.F., MEXICO> >239) Pilar Jiminez,

Caracas, VENEZUELA> >240) Erika Rovelo, Mexico D.F., MEXICO> >241) ALEJANDRO

LECANDA, CIUDAD DE MEXICO, MEXICO> >242) Gabriela Diaz de Sandi, Cd. Mexico,

Mexico> >243) Jorge Bustamante Orgaz, Ciudad de Mexico,>Mexico.> >244) Jose

Bernardo Rodreguez Montes, Ciudad de>Mexico,> >Mexico> >245) Luisa Angela

Ari=D2o Pelez. Ciudad de Mexico,> >Mexico.> >246) Ramses Ricardo Rios

Zaragoza, CD de Mexico> >247) Rosa Maria Lamparero. Ciudad de Mexico.> >248)

Margarita Palomares .. Ciudad de Mexico. MEXICO> >249) Carlos Anaya. MEXICO>

>250) Enrique Garcia Menes> >251) Loren Walker. United States of America> >252)

Teresa M athern, Oregon, USA> >253) Linda K. Johnson, Oregon, USA> >254)

Jennifer Allen, New York City, USA> >255) Carla Rudiger, New York City, USA>

>256) Colleen THomas, New York City, USA> >257) Ted Johnson, New York

>City, USA>

>258) Youn Hui Jeon, Seoul, Korea> >259) Wendy Perron, New York City,

>USA> >260)

Risa Jaroslow, New York City, USA> >261) Pam Wise, Los Angeles, USA> >262)

Michael Joyce, New York, USA> >263) Bernadine Colish, New York, USA> >264)

Kent Lebsock, Albuquerque, NM, USA> >265) Charmaine White Face, Lakota

Nation> >266) Pauline Brooks, Cornwall, England> >267) Peter Brooks,

Cornwall, England> >268) Jan Bogaert, Maldegem, Belgium> >269) Marc Brailly,

Blankenberge, Belgium> >270) Sara De Backere, Blankenberge, Belgium> >271)

YTska Brailly, Blankenberge, Belgium> >272) Nemo Braily, Blankenberge,

Belgium> >273) Viviane Ceulemans, Heist o/d Berg, Belgium> >274) Nina de

Bruyne, Brugge, Belgium> >275) Sjefke Dooms, Breda, Ne therlands> >276)

Frans Fransaer, Moorsel, Belgium> >277) Agnes Abramsen, Brussels, Belgium>

>278) Dany De Man, Meulebeke, Belgium> >279) Patrick Beirnaert, Ronse, Belgium>

>280) Caroline Grauls, Ronse, Belgium> >281) Jacques Bisschop, Leke, Belgium>

>282) Marianne Blom, Rozenburg, Netherlands> >283) Jan Geeraerts, Duffel,

Belgium> >284) Helen Buys, Oudenaarde, Belgium> >285) Marc Corvers,

Zwevegem, Belgium> >286) Ann Labeeuw, Zwevegem, Belgium> >287) Frans De

Smedt, Hame-Moerzeke, Belgium> >288) Aline-Irini Georgiou, Vorselaar,

Belgium> >289) Chris Peeters, Turnhout, Belgium> >290) Tom Van Snick,

Zottegem, Belgium> >291) Marc Van Wunsel, Wespelare, Belgium> >292) Carlos

Goedertier, Bottelare-Merelbeke, Belgium> >293) Mieke Lammens, Grazen,

Belgium> >294) Guido Festraets, Grazen, Belgium> >295) Kathleen Quirijnen,

Vosselaar, Belgium> >296) Peter Van Peer, Vosselaar, Belgium> >297) Carine

Vermeulen, Gent, Belgium> >298) Peter Verwi mp, Tremelo, Belgium> >299)

Filip Vissers, Herentals, Belgium> >300) Carine Van Wolputte, Herentals,

Belgium> >301) Vanessa Lecomte, Bruxelles, Belgique> >302) Fabienne

Havelange, Thuillies, Belgium> >303) Claudine Aubert, Estaimpuis, Belgium>

>304) Leon Degueldre, Thuin, Belgium> >305) Pascal Javaloy=CBs, Sarralbe,

France> >306) Martine Roulet, Tours, France> >307) Carol A. Bentley, Wales,

U.K.> >308) Jean Daines, Norwich, England> >309) Julie Gillott, Norfolk,

England (U.K.)> >310) Christine Hewitt, Burnley, Lancs., England> >311) Val

Linsey, Swnasea, England (UK)> >312) Rita Brauner, London, England> >313)

Ray Foord, Woodford Green, England (UK)> >314) Sheryl I. Birch, Buxton,

England> >315) Anne Grecian, Berwick upon Tweed, England> >316) Les G.

Jones, Kent, England> >317) Julie Lynex, Coventry, W.Midands, England> >318)

Margaret Nicholl, Enfield, England> >319) Ian Moore, Norfolk, England> >320)

Ron Reardon, Spalding, Lincs. E ngland> >321) Muriel Reardon, Spalding,

Lincs. England> >322) Susan E. Naylor, Cornwall, England> >323) Alec H.

Moon, Gwent, Wales (UK)> >324) Shirley Wayne, Wantage, Oxon., England (UK)>

>325) Denis Underwood, Bracknell, Berks., England (UK)>> >326) Lotta Haglund,

Vaxholm, Sweden> >327) Essi Iso-Oja, Helsinki, Finland> >328) Sabine Pohl,

Baden-Baden, Germany> >329) Richard Ziegler, Eurasburg Loisachtal, Germany>

>330) Poul Kry Poulsen, Ringsted, Denmark> >331) Suzanne Hon=C8e, Brussels,

Belgium> >332) Ann Herten, Sterrebeek, Belgium> >333) Els Herten, Brussels,

Belgium> >334) antoinette claypoole, Ashland, Oregon ("usa")> >335) Linda

Griffith, Huntingdon Valley, Pa USA> >336) David L. Winston, Philadelphia,

PA USA> >337) Joan Franklin, Philadelphia, PA USA> >338) Marianne Malitz,

Connecticut, USA> >339) Kathy O'Rear Oklahoma USA> >340) Jodie Evans,

Venice, CA USA> >341) Georgia Kelly, Sonoma, CA USA> >342) Larry Robinson,

Sebastopo l, CA, USA> >343) Maury M. Cooper, San Francisco, CA> >344) R.

Glendon Brunk, Arizona, USA> >345) D. Douglas Dancer, Oregon, US> >346)

Randall E. Streets, Hood River, Oregon, USA> >347) Chandra Radiance, Hood

River, Oregon> >348) Mary Harmon, White Salmon, WA, USA> >349) Jean Fay

Harmon, Neskowin, OR USA> >350) Julie Reynolds-Otrugman, Lincoln City, OR

USA> >351) Sener Otrugman, Lincoln City, OR USA> >352) Mary Lyn Villaume,

Cairo, Egypt> >353) Christian Arandel, Cairo, Egypt> >354) Dania Rifai,

Beirut, Lebanon=20> >355) Nada Awar, Beirut, Lebanon> >356) Mouna Schaheen,

Olney, MD USA> >357) Nabiha Ayoub, Olney, MD USA> >358) Habeeb Zein, Olney,

MD USA> >359) Norah Greenstein, New York, NY, USA> >360) Audrey Shahin,

Ashtabula, OH, USA> >361) Vishali Shahin Oakland Ca) USA> >362) Elena Wood,

Syracuse, NY USA> >363) Steven Wood, Syracuse, NY USA> >364) Barry Kapke,

Petaluma, CA, USA> >365) Ann Mari Spector, Petaluma, CA, USA> >366 ) Jim

Berns, Sebastopol, CA, USA> >367) Beth Gallock, Sebastopol, CA USA> >368)

Maikaaloa Clarke, CA USA> >369) DeAnna L'am, Sebastopol, Ca, USA> >370)

Julian Shaw, Sebastopol, CA, USA> >371) Katya Miller, Santa Fe, NM, USA>

>372) Vijali Hamilton, Castle Valley, Utah, USA> >373) Andrew Beath, Malibu,CA,

USA> >374) Rebecca Dmytryk, CA, US> >375) Jeffrey Ellis, CA USA> >376)

Norman Gan, Sherman Oaks, CA, USA> >377) Tom Greening, Sherman Oaks, CA,

USA> >378) Marianne Bentzen, Charlottenlund, Denmark> >379) Judyth O.

Weaver, Mill Valley, Ca, USA> >380) David W. Arehart, Lawrence, KS, USA>

>381) Kay Foley, Columbia, MO, USA> >382) Jan Lysaght, Columbia, MO, USA> >383)

Mine Ezashi, Columbia, MO, USA> >384) Toshihiko Ezashi, Columbia, MO, USA>

>385) Nobuko Kainuma, CA, USA> >386) Karen Leonard, Ireland> >387)

>Kevin Murphy,

Ireland> >388) Stephanie Kohl, Ireland/Germany> >389) Marcel Kostyal, NRW,

Germany> >390) Florent Didier ,Troyes , France> >391) Diepart, Sandrine,

Brussels, Belgium> >392) Marianne Putteman, Gent, Belgium> >393) Xavier

Bastiaense, Ghent, Belgium> >394) Hans Gelaude, Ghent, Belgium> >395)

Mamoudou Guiss?> >396) Inne Geypen, Brussels, Belgium> >397) Guy Cordeel,

Beveren, Belgium> >398) Veerle Decante, Beveren, Belgium> >399) Lucienne

Goormans, Beveren, Belgium> >400) Marc Van Molle, Londerzeel, Belgium> >401)

Martine Gheysen, Machelen, Belgium> >402) Marie-Anne Straetmans, Belgium>

>403) W. Patrick De Wilde, Huldenberg, Belgium> >404) Linda Dahlquist, New

Smyrna Beach, Fl> >405) Melanie J. West, New Smyra Beach, FL> >406)

Constance Baker, Daytona Beach, FL> >407) Joy Walker, Palm Bay, Fl.> >408)

Patricia Stang, Melbourne, FL> >409) Claudia A. Barden, Melbourne Beach FL

USA> >409) Pat Bieniasz,Ormond Beach Fla,USA> >(410) Cary Ellis, Pagosa

Springs, Colorado, USA> >(411) dr. michael ryce, Theodosia, Missouri, USA>

>(412) Susan Cooper, New City , New York, USA> >(413) Naomi Calichi Otero,

Staten Island, New York,>USA> >(414) Erik Oliva, Brooklyn, New York, USA>

>(415) Patrick Griffin, Los Angeles, CA, USA> >(416) Virginie Strub, Los

Angeles, CA USA> >(417) Natasha Galloway, Auckland, New Zealand> >(418) Adam

Strange, Auckland, New Zealand> >(419) Rafael Mrowinski, Orewa, New Zealand>

>(420) Dave Kirk, Tauranga New Zealand> >(421) Robert Anderson Tauranga New

Zealand> >(422) Jean Anderson Tauranga New Zealand> >(423) Catherine Hudson

Tauranga New Zealand> >(424) Pat Coombes Tauranga New Zealand> >(425) Ren

Watson Tauranga New Zealand> >(426) Catherine Watson Tauranga New Zealand>

>(427) Kirsty Anderson Cambridge New Zealand> >(428) Bob Curtis Tauranga New

Zealand> >(429) May Curtis Tauranga New Zealand> >(430) Nick Rosenberg

Auckland New Zealand> >(431) Jenni Meaney Melbourne Australia> >(432)

Raphael Zimmerman Melbourne Australia> >(433) Glenn Fawcett, New Delhi, Indi

a> >(434) Lesley Ann Patten, Halifax, Nova Scotia> >(435) Cheslav Balash,

Kaliningrad, Russia> >(436) Justin Williams, Vancouver, B.C, Canada> >(437)

horia Coman,Victoria,BC, Canada> >(438) Christina Losier, Jeju-do, Korea>

>(439) Hana Hermanek, Victoria,B.C. Canada> >(440) Penny White, Bamfield, B.C.,

Canada> >(441) Stacy Doyle, Victoria, B.C., Canada> >(442) Mary Stern,

Tokyo, Japan> >(443) ValŽrie Pierre-Pierre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada>>

>(444) Sally Fernandez, Quebec, Canada> >(445) M. Johnson, Washington, DC, USA>

>(446) Ayako Kimura, Washington DC, USA> >(447) Jessamyn Embry, Washington DC,

USA>(448) Emily Spratt, Ithaca, NY, USA(449) Anna Strong, Paris, FRANCE(450)

Katrina Bugaj, Paris, FRANCE, (451) Kym Moore, Mount Vernon, NY, USA(

452)Chuck Mike , Lagos, Nigeria (453)Marcia Hewitt, London, UK (454) Anthony

Ofoegbu, London, England, (455) Ulrike Julie Hensel, London,

(456)Ingeborg Breines, sigerfjord Norwaykeyn, (457) Arne Hansen, Frederikshavn, Danmark, post@arnehansen.net

(458) ??