05.04.03 af Arne Hansen

Til Anders Fogh Rasmussen og Per Stig Møller og andre støtter af den ulovlige krig.


I bør læse Røde Kors 'nedenstående  omtale af


massemord på civile i  Nasiriyah forårsaget af projektiler spredt fra bomber.


Og I bør  vide at der indtil nu er registreret mindst 859 civile dødsofre i jeres ulovlige krig


Jeg skammer mig over jer - ikke mindst når jeg ved hvor forfærdeligt irakiske flygtninge i Danmark har det i dette øjeblik og er vidne til forsøg på selvmord.. Og så fremturer I endda  sammen med Haarder ved  kollektivt at håne og mistænke irakere for at støtte Saddam Hussein når I har inddraget deres mulighed for at få dansk statsborgerskab administrativt igennem statsamterne.


Jeg forventer et svar på denne mail ?


Og jeg vil gerne have et svar på hvad jeg skal sige til irakerne der sørger over deres døde landsmænd ?


Jeg kan jo ikke engang sende denne mail til mine irakiske bekendte. Det vil være for ondt.


NB  Hold selv øje med krigens registrerede antal civile dødsofre på http://www.iraqbodycount.net/background.htm

og det gælder også alle de der som vælgere er medansvarlige for "koalitionens" massemord


Arne Hansen, undersåt i et land med krigsrettens brud på de demokratiske spilleregler.



 ----- Original Message -----

From: BuzzFlash buzzflash@buzzflash.com

To: recipients <sus-arends@mail.tele.dk>

Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 6:05 PM

Subject: Red Cross horrified by number of dead civilians



> http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1049413227648_10/?hub=SpecialEvent3



> Canadian Press


> OTTAWA - Red Cross doctors who visited southern Iraq this week saw

> "incredible" levels of civilian casualties including a truckload of

> dismembered women and children, a spokesman said Thursday from Baghdad.


> Roland Huguenin, one of six International Red Cross workers in the Iraqi

> capital, said doctors were horrified by the casualties they found in the

> hospital in Hilla, about 160 kilometres south of Baghdad.


> "There has been an incredible number of casualties with very, very serious

> wounds in the region of Hilla," Huguenin said in a interview by satellite

> telephone.


> "We saw that a truck was delivering dozens of totally dismembered dead

> bodies of women and children. It was an awful sight. It was really very

> difficult to believe this was happening."


> Huguenin said the dead and injured in Hilla came from the village of

> Nasiriyah, where there has been heavy fighting between American troops and

> Iraqi soldiers, and appeared to be the result of "bombs, projectiles."


> "At this stage we cannot comment on the nature of what happened exactly at

> that place . . . but it was definitely a different pattern from what we

> had seen in Basra or Baghdad.


> "There will be investigations I am sure."


> Baghdad and Basra are coping relatively well with the flow of wounded,

> said Huguenin, estimating that Baghdad hospitals have been getting about

> 100 wounded a day.


> Most of the wounded in the two large cities have suffered superficial

> shrapnel wounds, with only about 15 per cent requiring internal surgery,

> he said.


> But the pattern in Hilla was completely different.


> "In the case of Hilla, everybody had very serious wounds and many, many of

> them small kids and women. We had small toddlers of two or three years of

> age who had lost their legs, their arms. We have called this a horror."


> At least 400 people were taken to the Hilla hospital over a period of two

> days, he said -- far beyond its capacity.


> "Doctors worked around the clock to do as much as they could. They just

> had to manage, that was all."


> The city is no longer accessible, he added.


> Red Cross staff are also concerned about what may be happening in other

> smaller centres south of Baghdad.


> "We do not know what is going on in Najaf and Kabala. It has become

> physically impossible for us to reach out to those cities because the

> major road has become a zone of combat."


> The Red Cross was able to claim one significant success this week: it

> played a key role in re-establishing water supplies at Basra.


> Power for a water-pumping station had been accidentally knocked out in the

> attack on the city, leaving about a million people without water. Iraqi

> technicians couldn't reach the station to repair it because it was under

> coalition control.


> The Red Cross was able to negotiate safe passage for a group of Iraqi

> engineers who crossed the fire line and made repairs. Basra now has 90 per

> cent of its normal water supply, said Huguenin.


> Huguenin, a Swiss, is one of six international Red Cross workers still in

> Baghdad. The team includes two Canadians, Vatche Arslanian of Oromocto,

> N.B., and Kassandra Vartell of Calgary.


> The Red Cross expects the humanitarian crisis in Iraq to grow and is

> calling for donations to help cope. The Red Cross Web site is:

> www.redcross.ca


Efterskrift af Arne H:

Krigens civile dødsofre er  pr 5.04.03  859 døde

Hold selv øje med krigens civile dødsofre på http://www.iraqbodycount.net/background.htm