05.04.03 af Arne Hansen
Til Anders Fogh Rasmussen og Per Stig Møller og andre
støtter af den ulovlige krig.
I bør læse Røde Kors 'nedenstående omtale af
massemord på civile i Nasiriyah forårsaget af projektiler
spredt fra bomber.
Og I bør vide
at der indtil nu er registreret mindst 859 civile dødsofre i jeres ulovlige
Jeg skammer mig over jer - ikke mindst når jeg ved hvor
forfærdeligt irakiske flygtninge i Danmark har det i dette øjeblik og er vidne
til forsøg på selvmord.. Og så fremturer I endda sammen med Haarder ved
kollektivt at håne og mistænke irakere for at støtte Saddam Hussein når
I har inddraget deres mulighed for at få dansk statsborgerskab administrativt
igennem statsamterne.
Jeg forventer et svar på denne mail ?
Og jeg vil gerne have et svar på hvad jeg skal sige til
irakerne der sørger over deres døde landsmænd ?
Jeg kan jo ikke engang sende denne mail til mine irakiske
bekendte. Det vil være for ondt.
NB Hold selv
øje med krigens registrerede antal civile dødsofre på http://www.iraqbodycount.net/background.htm
og det gælder også alle de der som vælgere er medansvarlige
for "koalitionens" massemord
Arne Hansen, undersåt i et land med krigsrettens brud på de demokratiske spilleregler.
----- Original Message
BuzzFlash buzzflash@buzzflash.com
recipients <sus-arends@mail.tele.dk>
Saturday, April 05, 2003 6:05 PM
Red Cross horrified by number of dead civilians
> http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1049413227648_10/?hub=SpecialEvent3
Canadian Press
- Red Cross doctors who visited southern Iraq this week saw
"incredible" levels of civilian casualties including a truckload of
dismembered women and children, a spokesman said Thursday from Baghdad.
> Roland
Huguenin, one of six International Red Cross workers in the Iraqi
capital, said doctors were horrified by the casualties they found in the
hospital in Hilla, about 160 kilometres south of Baghdad.
"There has been an incredible number of casualties with very, very serious
> wounds
in the region of Hilla," Huguenin said in a interview by satellite
"We saw that a truck was delivering dozens of totally dismembered dead
> bodies
of women and children. It was an awful sight. It was really very
difficult to believe this was happening."
Huguenin said the dead and injured in Hilla came from the village of
Nasiriyah, where there has been heavy fighting between American troops and
> Iraqi
soldiers, and appeared to be the result of "bombs, projectiles."
"At this stage we cannot comment on the nature of what happened exactly at
> that
place . . . but it was definitely a different pattern from what we
> had
seen in Basra or Baghdad.
"There will be investigations I am sure."
Baghdad and Basra are coping relatively well with the flow of wounded,
> said
Huguenin, estimating that Baghdad hospitals have been getting about
> 100
wounded a day.
> Most
of the wounded in the two large cities have suffered superficial
shrapnel wounds, with only about 15 per cent requiring internal surgery,
> he
> But
the pattern in Hilla was completely different.
"In the case of Hilla, everybody had very serious wounds and many, many of
> them
small kids and women. We had small toddlers of two or three years of
> age
who had lost their legs, their arms. We have called this a horror."
> At
least 400 people were taken to the Hilla hospital over a period of two
> days,
he said -- far beyond its capacity.
"Doctors worked around the clock to do as much as they could. They just
> had to
manage, that was all."
> The
city is no longer accessible, he added.
> Red
Cross staff are also concerned about what may be happening in other
smaller centres south of Baghdad.
"We do not know what is going on in Najaf and Kabala. It has become
physically impossible for us to reach out to those cities because the
> major
road has become a zone of combat."
> The
Red Cross was able to claim one significant success this week: it
> played
a key role in re-establishing water supplies at Basra.
> Power
for a water-pumping station had been accidentally knocked out in the
> attack
on the city, leaving about a million people without water. Iraqi
technicians couldn't reach the station to repair it because it was under
coalition control.
> The
Red Cross was able to negotiate safe passage for a group of Iraqi
engineers who crossed the fire line and made repairs. Basra now has 90 per
> cent
of its normal water supply, said Huguenin.
Huguenin, a Swiss, is one of six international Red Cross workers still in
Baghdad. The team includes two Canadians, Vatche Arslanian of Oromocto,
> N.B.,
and Kassandra Vartell of Calgary.
> The
Red Cross expects the humanitarian crisis in Iraq to grow and is
calling for donations to help cope. The Red Cross Web site is:
Efterskrift af Arne H:
Krigens civile dødsofre er pr 5.04.03 859
Hold selv øje med krigens civile dødsofre på http://www.iraqbodycount.net/background.htm