
Vi må have håb
om store fredsdemonstrationer i Danmark på den globale aktionsdag d. 27.
september så vi fortæller
resten af verden hvor vi står og
det er altså IKKE bag Foghs
strudsepolitik mht krigens forløjede grundlag.
Men vi skal især
se fremad og have alle relevante
langsigtede paroler herunder nej til
rumvåben og stjernekrig dvs nej til Danmarks overgivelse af Thuleradaren
til grænseløs opgradering til Bush's forgodtbefindende - så vi viser at fredsfolkene ikke bare
hver gang kommer halsende bagefter når skaden er sket .
der planlagt noget i din by ? – Man kan se efter det på Nej til Krigs hjemmeside http://www.nejtilkrig.dk/
Med fredelig hilsen
Arne Hansen, Aldrig Mere Krig
On Thu, 4 Sep 2003
11:04:11 +0200, peacemail@danirak.dk wrote:
Bush får bank i LA Times
Af Coilín Oscar
ÓhAiseadha, 4. september 2003
Den tidligere stærkt patriotiske amerikanske opinion om krigen i Irak
krakelerer. En leder i den store vestkystsavis Los Angeles Times den 2.
september lægger ikke fingre imellem, når den påpeger, at hele krigsgrundlaget
var et stort fupnummer. Det er ifølge avisen præsident Bush - og ikke Saddam
Hussein - der viser sig at mestre bedrageriets kunst.
Avisen påpeger, at de 1.400 amerikanske våbeninspektører i Irak har fundet
lige så meget som FN's UNMOVIC-inspektører: ingenting. Hverken de 38.000 liter
botulinum, de 25.000 liter miltbrand eller de 500 tons giftgas, som Irak skulle
være i besiddelse af og som Bush brugte til at retfærdiggøre krigen, er fundet.
Der er heller ikke fundet noget avanceret atomvåbenprogram.
Og ingen har fremlagt nogen beviser for en forbindelse mellem det nu
væltede Baath-regime og terrorbevægelsen al-Qaeda.
Ifølge Los Angeles Times' analyse gad Bush-regeringen simpelthen ikke høre
på råd fra diplomater og efterretningseksperter, der satte spørgsmålstegn ved
de forfalskede og fordrejede 'beviser' for, at Irak stadigvæk var i besiddelse
af masseødelæggelsesvåben. Krigsgrundlaget skulle nemlig ikke undergraves.
I stedet valgte regeringen at lytte til eksilirakiske løgnere som Ahmed
Chalabi, som er tidligere kendt skyldig for svindel i Jordan, men som nu sidder
med amerikansk opbakning i Iraks nye Regerende Råd.
Besættelsen koster 4 mia. $ om måneden og de amerikanske soldater, der står
vagt over præsidentens kejserlige ambitioner, bliver skudt "ligesom fisk i
en tønde".
Læs hele artiklen på engelsk nedenfor.
September 2, 2003
Robert Scheer:
Bush Was All Too Willing
to Use Émigrés' Lies
American experts urged the White House to be skeptical, but
they hit a stone wall.
Oops. There are no weapons
of mass destruction after all. That's the emerging consensus of the second team
of weapons sleuths commanded by the U.S. in Iraq, as reported last week in the
Los Angeles Times. The 1,400-member Iraq Survey Group found what the first wave
of U.S. military experts and the United Nations inspectors before them
discovered - nada.
Nothing, not a vial of the
38,000 liters of botulinum toxin or the 25,000 liters of anthrax or an ounce of
the materials for the 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent claimed by
George W. Bush in his State of the Union speech as justification for war. Nor
any sign of the advanced nuclear weapons program, a claim based on a
now-admitted forgery. Nor has anyone produced any evidence of ties between the
deposed Hussein regime and the Al Qaeda terrorists responsible for 9/11.
The entire adventure was
an immense fraud.
"We were prisoners of
our own beliefs," a senior U.S. weapons expert who worked with the Iraq
Survey Group told The Times. "We said Saddam Hussein was a master of
denial and deception. Then when we couldn't find anything, we said that proved
it, instead of questioning our own assumptions."
How distressing that it
turns out to be Bush, leader of the world's greatest democracy, who is the true
master of denial and deception, rather than Hussein, who proved to be a paper
tiger. Bush is such a master at deceiving the American public that even now he
is not threatened with the prospect of impeachment or any serious congressional
investigation into the possibility that he led this nation into war with lies.
But lie he did, at the
very least in the crucial matter of pushing secret evidence that even a
president of his limited experience had to know was so flimsy as to not be
evidence at all. U.S. intelligence officials now say the administration was
lied to by Iraqi émigrés.
That excuse for the U.S.
intelligence failure in Iraq would be laughable were the circumstances not so
appalling. It means Bush ignored all the cautions of career diplomats and
intelligence experts in every branch of the U.S. government over the
unsubstantiated word of Iraqi renegades.
Clearly, the
administration, from the president on down, did not want expert advice and
intelligence that would have undermined its excuse for invading Iraq. This was
a shell game from beginning to end in which Americans' legitimate fear of
terrorism after Sept. 11 was almost immediately and cynically exploited by the
neoconservative gang that runs U.S. foreign policy.
American soldiers standing
guard over the White House's imperial ambitions - a new Middle East as linchpin
to a new world order - are now being shot like fish in a barrel.
Had Congress dared
question Bush's claim of an immediate Iraqi military threat, there would have
been no excuse for invasion. But Congress is kept on a tight leash by Republican
leaders, subverting its basic role as a check and balance on executive power. Shame
on congressional Democrats, especially those running for president, who went
along with this disgusting charade.
In the disarray and
dissolution of the U.S. role as leader of the free world, we sadly witness
America's pathetic and isolated effort to rule Iraq with some of the same
émigrés who deceived us with the false information that led us into a war that
suited their ambitions.
One of those Iraqi exile
leaders who clearly misled the U.S., Ahmad Chalabi, is now a senior figure in
the fig-leaf Iraqi shadow government in U.S.-colonized Baghdad. Chalabi is a
fugitive from Jordan, where he was convicted of major financial fraud, and he
has no real base of support in Iraq. But Bush still backs him, trafficking all
too easily with a liar who tells him what he wants to hear.
The British public, raised
on a higher standard of official honesty, is properly shocked. Prime Minister
Tony Blair is in deep trouble as Parliament and a high judge are embarked on a
truth-finding investigation into their government's rationale regarding the
reasons for war. On Friday, Blair's media spokesman, Alistair Campbell, accused
by the BBC of "sexing up" the intelligence data used to justify going
to war with Iraq, suddenly resigned.
The Brits don't like being
fooled. That's not the case in the United States, where for too many pundits
and politicians, accepting official mendacity has become a mark of political
More American soldiers
have died since Bush declared the war over than during the war itself. This
misadventure is costing nearly $4 billion a month just for the troops, and
billions more for reconstruction by U.S. companies like Dick Cheney's old firm
Halliburton. But too many Americans betray the proud tradition of an
independent citizenry by buying into the "aw shucks" irresponsibility
of a president who daily does a grave injustice to the awesome obligations of
the office that he has sworn - in the name of God, no less - to uphold.