Hemmeligholdelse eller demokrati? Danmark i Echelon?


9. marts 2004 Mail til udenrigsminister Per Stig Møller


5. april …oversendt til justitsministeriet


4. maj svar fra Justitsministeriet:  ”. Justitsministeriet kan i den anledning oplyse, at Justitsministeriet i forbindelse med besvarelsen af spørgsmål fra Folketinget har tilkendegivet, at Justitsministeriet ikke er bekendt med oplysninger, der hverken kan be- eller afkræfte eksistensen af et globalt aflytningssystem med tilnavnet ”Echelon”.

Justitsministeriet foretager ikke yderligere i anledning af Deres henvendelse…” jf http://www.arnehansen.net/040504Echelon-sv.f.Justitsmin.RBL20962.doc



Frederikshavn d. 9.03.04


Til udenrigsminister Per Stig Møller


Kan De bekræfte eller afkræfte Holger Terps nedenstående påstande som følge af  Danmarks deltagelse i Echelon-samarbejdet ?

(Altså på baggrund af oplysningerne i nederststående mail:"On Sun, 7 Mar 2004 09:27:40 -0500, "Global Network" <globalnet@mindspring.com> wrote:  Mar. 7, 2004. 

  Canada listens to world as partner in spy system,

      LYNDA HURST, Toronto Star (Canada)"" )  ?


Med venlig hilsen fra en bekymret borger og medlem af Aldrig mere Krig

(med kopi til Udenrigspolitisk Nævns medlemmer)


Arne Hansen, Sønderjyllands Alle 35, 9900 Frederikshavn



(videresendt, mail om ikke ønskes. ah)

On Tue, 9 Mar 2004 07:11:18 +0100, "Holger Terp"  holgerterp@pc.dk  > wrote:


Hemmeligholdelse eller demokrati? Danmark i Echelon?


Af Holger Terp

Det danske Fredsaademi

Kan oplysningerne i artiklen bekræftes, så er det for første gang 'bevist', at danske efterretningstjenester deltager i Echelon-samarbejdet.

Det burde få politikere og journalister op ad stolene.

Hvem besluttede, hvornår Danmark skulle deltage i Echelon-samarbejdet

`Hvilke overtrædelser af posthemmeligheden sker der som en følge af Echelons virke?

Hvilken parlamentarisk kontrol er der med Echelon?

Hvordan drages de ansvarlige politikere til ansvar for den danske deltagelse i Echelon?

Der er brug for en dansk eller en international Echelon-kommission til undersøgelse af Echelons virksomhed.


----- Original Message -----

From: "Arne Hansen" <post@arnehansen.net>

To: <post@arnehansen.net>

Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 10:59 PM




(videresendt, mail tilbage hvis uønsket, ah)


On Sun, 7 Mar 2004 09:27:40 -0500, "Global Network"

< globalnet@mindspring.com   > wrote:


      Mar. 7, 2004. 



      Canada listens to world as partner in spy system




      Toronto Star (Canada)


      When a former cabinet minister recently charged that British

spies had listened in on U.N. chief Kofi Annan in the countdown to the

Iraq War, Prime Minister Tony Blair stonewalled.


      Clare Short said she'd seen transcripts of Annan's

conversations. A furious Blair refused to confirm or deny the

accusation, but blasted Short for going public.


      The allegation came as no surprise to anyone at the United

Nations. It's a given that the New York headquarters are bugged and

always have been, by friend and foe alike. It's technically illegal

and officials don't like it. But there is nothing they can do but

register a complaint and enjoy the squirming when a country gets

caught red-handed.


      The public may not be so blasé about the fact that "good"

countries, not just "bad," practice espionage - routine,

all-pervasive, electronic espionage. But it's naive to think

otherwise. All nations spy on friends as well as enemies.


      Not that anyone broke into Annan's office and planted a

Watergate-style bugging device.


      What Short likely saw were intercepts from a little-known

surveillance system called Echelon, which automatically monitors

virtually all of the world's communications.


      Every day, billions of telephone calls, e-mails, faxes, radio

transmissions, even Internet downloads are captured by orbiting

satellites monitoring signals on Earth, then processed by high-powered

computers. A minute percentage of the traffic is "tagged" for

transcription, translation if necessary, and analysis.


      The ordinary messages of ordinary people get caught up in the

sweep, but aren't generally tagged. The likes of a U.N.

secretary-general are.


      "Echelon is an electronic vacuum cleaner, but it is finely

tuned," says Canadian intelligence specialist Wesley Wark. "They have

to be precise to get what they want."


      But who is "they?"


      The high-tech Echelon system is operated by five nations known

as the UKUSA alliance: the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia

and New Zealand.


      Referred to in some circles as the "Anglo-Saxon Mafia," the

U.S.-led network has existed for 58 years, emerging out of the Allies'

successful signals-intelligence, or "sigint," operations during World

War II.


      Its original primary job was to spy on the Soviet Union and win

the Cold War. Today, it is counterterrorism.


      In a series of still-classified bilateral agreements - each

country has a deal with the U.S. - UKUSA members pledged to jointly

acquire and share all signals and communications intelligence. Common

procedures, targets, equipment and methods were spelled out, along

with a commitment to secrecy about the alliance's operations.


      The world was split into regions: Britain got Africa and Europe

east to the Urals; Australia and New Zealand got Oceania; and the U.S.

got the Soviet Union and wherever else it wanted.


      As of 1946, Canada, through the newly created Communications

Security Establishment (CSE), would home in on the northern latitudes

and polar regions. It had shown its expertise there during the war.


      "In the war, Canada had the best antennas for listening to the

Soviet Union," says John Thompson, president of the Mackenzie

Institute, an anti-global violence think tank in Toronto. "And we had

prime listening posts, such as Alert."


      Canadian Forces Station Alert, on Ellesmere Island in

present-day Nunavut, is still an important ground station in the

Canada's network of "sigint" posts. It mainly intercepts satellite

military communications.


      The other three are CFS Leitrim, south of Ottawa, which

intercepts diplomatic traffic in and out of Canada; CFS Masset off the

coast of B.C., and Canadian Forces Base Gander, Nfld., both of which

primarily tap into maritime transmissions.


      The high-tech Echelon listening system was devised in 1971 by

the American National Security Agency (NSA), which was, and remains,

the dominant UKUSA member and contributor of technology.


      Today, it is believed to operate 120 intercept stations in up to

a dozen countries; their giant antennas all point at the

communications satellites continuously circling the planet.


      With the end of the Cold War, Echelon's priorities moved to

monitoring rogue states and international organized crime. Since the

9/11 attacks, however, its emphasis is on fighting terrorism, and all

that comes under that rubric - attitudes inside the U.N. Security

Council toward the Iraq War, for example.


      The intelligence gleaned is shared among the five alliance

partners and often with other participants: Germany, Norway, Denmark,

and Turkey have all signed secret "third-party" UKUSA agreements.


      Though Echelon is by far the biggest monitoring network in the

world, other nations have their own satellite-based listening systems.

Russia, China, France, Israel, India and Pakistan all use "sigint" as

a major source of intelligence.


      "Everybody listens to everybody else non-stop," says John

Thompson. "The public does not realize it, but Canada has been doing

it for decades. It's an important part of our defence." The only

countries that don't monitor global communications, he says, are "the

poor ones who can't afford the technology."


      Canada's low-profile CSE collects foreign intelligence in the

name of national security, but also attempts to block electronic

interception by other states.


      After the Anti-terrorist Act was passed in 2001, the agency's

budget was boosted to about $300 million. Its staff - known as

"291ers" after their military occupation code - was increased to

1,300, making it the country's second biggest spy force, after the

Canadian Security Intelligence Service.


      More computer power was added to headquarters and its other

properties in Ottawa, and extra antennas were installed at some of the

listening stations. Leitrim now has six.



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To: <post@arnehansen.net>

Subject: E-post af 9.marts 2004 til Uderigsministeren vedr. "Echelon"

From: "Ivertsen, Peter" <PETIVE@um.dk>

Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 16:02:56 +0200




Udenrigsministeriet, den 5.april 2004.


Hr. Arne Hansen

Sønderjyllands Alle 35

9990 Frederikshavn


Udenrigsministeriet har oversendt Deres e-post af 9. marts 2004 til udenrigsministeren  til Justitsministeriet, hvorunder spørgsmål om"Echelon" henhører, med anmodning til Justitsministeriet om at besvare Deres henvendelse.


Venlig hilsen

Peter Ivertsen


Udenrigsministeriet .



Svar af 4.05.05 fra justitsministeriet:


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Ved e-mail af 9. marts 2004 har De rettet henvendelse til udenrigsministeren vedrørende eksistensen af et globalt aflytningssystem ”Echelon” samt Danmarks eventuelle deltagelse heri. Udenrigsministeriet har bedt Justitsministeriet om at besvare Deres henvendelse.


Justitsministeriet kan i den anledning oplyse, at Justitsministeriet i forbindelse med besvarelsen af spørgsmål fra Folketinget har tilkendegivet, at Justitsministeriet ikke er bekendt med oplysninger, der hverken kan be- eller afkræfte eksistensen af et globalt aflytningssystem med tilnavnet ”Echelon”.


Justitsministeriet foretager ikke yderligere i anledning af Deres henvendelse.


Med venlig hilsen


Rasmus Blaabjerg