

Konference om "Roma/Sigøjneres Forhold i Danmark"

25. oktober 2005 kl. 09.00 - 16.00

"Landstingssalen", Christiansborg, 1256 København K


"Romano" afholder 2. danske konference om Roma/Sigøjneres
problemer i "Landstingssalen" den 25. oktober 2005

Til konferencen indbydes særligt alle Roma/Sigøjnere og efterkommere
heraf i Danmark

Afhængig af interesse (og dermed til rådighed værende taletid) vil de,
der ønsker at fremlægge problemer, få lejlighed hertil

Tilstede vil være Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen (RV)

Der er kun adgang såfremt man forud er optaget på gæsteliste, iht
folketingets sædvanlige sikkerhedsprocedure


Eric Støttrup Thomsen
Kongevejen 150
3000 Helsingør
49 22 28 11

Vi vedhæfter en rapport sendt til FN's højkommissær for
menneskerettigheder - en rapport som giver et hurtigt
overblik over nogle af de vigtigste problemer for
Roma/Sigøjnere i Danmark i dag (dvs. problemer, der er
indbragt for "Romano" med anmodning om assistance)



Foreløbigt          Program

09.00                Velkomst


09.15 -  10.30     Fremlæggelse af rapporter – Statsborgere og andre med ophold i Danmark


10.30 -  11.00     Kaffepause


11.00 - 12.30      Fremlæggelse af rapporter - Asylsager


12.30 - 13.00      Frokost


13.00 - 14.30      Fremlæggelse  af rapporter - Rammekonventionen


14.30 - 15.00      Kaffepause


15.00 - 16.00      Opsummering    


Tilmelding er nødvendig!              Kontakt  Romano på 49 22 28 11



"Konferencen om Roma/Sigøjneres forhold i Danmark" afholdes for anden gang – første gang 19. oktober 2004.

Konferencen giver mulighed for, at Roma'er som mener deres rettigheder er blevet krænket i Danmark, kan fremlægge deres sag.

Der vil blive indlæg om asylsystemet og de forhold, som afviste Roma asylansøgere udsættes for.

Endelig vil konferencen igen rejse kravet om beskyttelse under Europa-Rådets Rammekonvention for Nationale Mindretal.


2005 er 500-året for ankomsten af de første Roma/Sigøjnere i Danmark!




Conference on the Situation  for"Roma/Gypsies”

in Danmark"

25. October 2005 hr. 09.00 - 16.00

"Landstingssalen", Christiansborg,

1256 København K


Preliminary        Program


09.00                  Welcome


09.15 -  10.30     Presentation of reports - Roma with Danish citizenship and/or residence


10.30 -  11.00     Coffee Break


11.00 - 12.30      Presentation of reports - Asylum Cases


12.30 - 13.00      Lunch Break


13.00 - 14.30      Presentation of reports - Framework Convention


14.30 - 15.00      Coffee Break


15.00 - 16.00      Summary and Conclusions    


Prior enrollment necessary!        Contakt  Romano on +45-49 22 28 11


"The Conference on the Situation for Roma/Gypsies in Danmark" is held for the second time, first time was 19. October 2004.

This Conference will give Roma, who feel their Human Rights and Minority Rights have been violated in Denmark the opportunity to present their case.

There will also be reports about the treatment in the asylum system and the

treatment of rejected Roma asylum seekers.

Finally, the Conference will again air demands for protection of minority rights and Human Rights under the Council of Europe Framework Convention for national Minorities.

2005 is the 500th year anniversary for the first arrival of Roma/Gypsies in Denmark!





Eric Støttrup Thomsen                                               tel  + 45 – 49 22 28 11

”Romano” Association

Kongevejen 150                                                         fax + 45 – 49 22 27 11

DK3000 Helsingør                                                     mail @ romano.dk

Denmark                                                                     www. romano. dk



                               Short Reponse





                 Questions on the respect and implementation

                 of the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders



                                               Elsinore, 15 August 2005





This short response is prepared by ”Romano”, the national danbish Roma/Gipsy organisation. We are very greatful for this opportunity, because we have big difficulties in getting heard in the national Danish debate.


We were invited f.i. Council of Europe High Commissioner for Human Rights for the discussion with Mr Alvaro Gil-Robles, 13 April 2004  upon his tour to Denmark and Sweden.


We were invited by Council of Europe in October 2004 for meeting with the Delegation for the 2nd Cycle monitoring of the Framework Convention for National Minorities.


For Mr Gil-Robles we have sent a serious number of communications to his office.


For the Framework Convention we have prepared a shadow report to the 2nd Cycle (available on the Hellenic Monitor) and we have sent a serious number of communications to Council of Europe, DG II, which deals with the Framework Convention.


We were invited to participate in Brixelles 22-24 April 2003 in the Conference on ”Roma in an enlarged EU”.


We were invited by Council of Europe for training seminar in Strasbourg on the Framework Convention 27-30 May 2004.


We have never been invited by Danish Institute for Human Rights to any activity, training, seminar, meeting or anything else. We have succeeded in obtaining a meeting with the Director Mr Morten Kjærum to discuss cooperation, but none has resulted.


We have met, at the mentioned meetings, high representatives from organisations such as Amnesty, Danish Red Cross, Danish Church Aid, Save the Children. These are all organisations which address areas of concern also to Roma or directly concerning Roma projects.  They do not answer our letters.


Denmark is one of the few European countries to refuse to recognise their Roma minority as a national minority, in spite of documented long historical association since 1505. The government’s position is that there are abt 1500 Roma, who are recent migrant workers from ex-Yugoslavia.


”Romano” has estimated the total to not under 20.000 incl. descendants, based on historically documented migration waves to Denmark, and names of descendants that can be easily checked even in the public phone book. Denmark has a population of abt. 5 mio.





1.      The ”human rights defender” community in Denmark


a.        Description, with examples, of the human rights defenders community, with considerations such as the numbers of human rights defenders organisations, the range of activities, the quality effectiveness and impact of human rights defenders’ work



”Romano” is the national Roma/Gipsy organisation, founded in 1942, by Ms Fanny and Mr Johannes Folkersen, as part of the liberal resistance group ”Holger Danske”.


Ms Fanny was Finnish Roma of outstanding beauty. Mr Johannes Folkersen was a Danish gipsy, an outstanding personality. Their son, Mr Poul Folkersen, was chairman until 4 August 2000, where he died.


The couple helped jews, gypsies and others fleeing the nazis to escape to Sweden, and in the end had to flee themselves.


In spite of these historical facts the Prime Minister Mr Fogh Rasmussen and the Minister of Education Mr. Bertel Haarder  refused to invite neither Roma/Gipsy representatives nor representatives of ”Romano” to the official comemorations of the 60th year liberation of Denmark.


Roma/Gypsies both played an active part in the resistance and were victims.


Many Danish gypsies fled to Sweden, even if they had blond hair and Danish surnames like ”Jensen”. We have met descendants in Sweden.


Some were deported to Greenland (some until 1954). We have met the descendants.


Applications to Ministry of Education for a research project into Roma participation and Roma victims and to ”Rromano” history (obtainable from fellow ”Holger Danske” surviving members, for a short period still, has been turned down.


”Romano” is member of the ”Holocaust” committée under the Ministry of Education. However, no Roma are allowed to be members of the executive committée, which organises the events – there are several Jews on this body. ”Romano” proposals are ignored.


”Romano” was urged by Danish Institute for International Studies, which has taken over the budget (of more than 2,6 mio. DKR) from Ministry of Education, in the Autumn 2004, to develop Roma participation to the comemoration of ”Holocaust” on 27 January 2005.


”Romano” was able to activate more than 50 Roma – poets, musicians, survivors, artists, a theater group etc. – but then DIIS (which is located also at the Danish Institute for Human Rights) Mr Uffe Østergaard ignored the requested and offered participation. Many other artists etc. participated a.o. an exhibition over ”Anne Frank’s Diary”.


”Romano” had big internal discussions after this snub.


”Romano” has been very active on behalf of two groups of Roma asylum seekers – a group from  Banat/Vopjvodina (around the town of Vrsac) and a group of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptions from Kosovo.


Requests for assistance from Danish Institute for Human Rights have been futile.


Requests for hearings under Danish Institute for Human Rights, Complaints Committée for Ethnic Equal Treatment have been futile (ref. 770.10 and .12)






b.      Ways in which the role and situation of human rights defenders in Denmark need to be strengthened and how this might be achieved (e.g. improved human rights training, greater transparency, improved protection etc.)


The Roma/Gypsies  need some kind of official recognition as a national minority, because the Danish government will only respect its obligations if clearly framed in law.


Denmark has refused to incorporate a number of UN Conventions in its national legislation, although its present government claims Denmark ”adheres to all international conventions”.


Denmark has refused to acknowledge the Roma/Gypsy national minority under Framework Convention, Council of Europe.


Denmark has refused to consider OSCE Rec. 566 of 2. December 2003 on Roma and Sinti – saying it is only advisory not mandatory. This means there is no actual discussions with the Roma minority.


Danish Minister for Integration refused in letter 22 may 2002 and again 10 June 2005 even to hold a meeting with Roma representatives.


On the last occassion we asked for a consultation on the Declaration by European parliament 29 April 2005 on Roma issues.


”Romano” needs some kind of funding. All work is voluntary. All expenses are paid by members out of their earnings and bank borrowings. A proposal to Prime Ministers Office for a ”Political-Economic Secretariat” as the German National Minority has, was turned down.


The German national Minority gets abt. 600.000 DKR per annum for their secretariat in Copenhagen, but Danish TV claims the German minority which is 15-20.000 people, gets more than 833 mio. DKR incl. funding for schools and a gymnasium (high school).

Ministry for Education has recently refused to consider classes in Romani – the mother tongue of the Roma/Gypsies, or a translation pool to secure publishing in Romani.


The Ministry has also refused funding for materials to teach Roma/Gipsy history to Roma and Danish children. ”Romano” has published several articles on the subject.


The university institutes refuse to cooperate with ”Romano” and issue factually wrong information on Roma history and minority in Denmark, but also refuse to cooperate on the subject. The university people ask ”Romano” to give all material to them free of charge, in order they publish it, become ”Gipsy” experts, get famous, be invited to give lectures, to publish articles etc – by making the Roma into their study object.


The same university people refuse to admit Roma for cooperation and training and study.


Ministry of Justice has refused to give ”Romano” a share in their funds for legal aid organisations. ”Romano” has brought abt. 100-120 Roma complaints to local, regional and national authorities oer annum since at least 2000. ”Romano” receives nothing. The Ministry of Justice says they don’t give to ”special groups”.


However, the Ministry admitted it gave to a large organisation assiting single mothers, to a home for battered women (but for their marketing brochure) and to the Greenlander’s Society.


Greenlanders, Faroese and Roma are mentioned by Council of Europe as national minorities in Denmark.


”Romano” has brought over 40 complaints from Roma before the…




2.      Assessment of the current situation of the Declaration’s implementation in Denmark.


a.       Firmly established success in implementing the Declaration.


We are not aware that Denmark claims any success in implementing the Declaration.


It is not mentioned in either Ministry of Justice or Ministry of Integration websites.


It is not mentioned in the yearbooks of Danish Institute for Human rights ”Menneskeret i Danmark” (Human Rights in Denmark) (issues 2003 or 2004).


b.      Recent progress


We are not aware of any recent progress – on the contrary


c.       Remaining problems


We did not know the Declaration even existed


3.      Freedom of association and freedom of expression


There are increasing attacks on the freedom of association and the freedom of expression based on fear of terrorism.


Information about citizens is recorded secretly, but the authorities denies this.


We have two examples: The special Roma registry in Elsinore Municipality, and the exchange of information to prevent young Roma to move to Sweden to gain family reunion under EU rules.




4.      Bad practices


Denmark has a primitive legal system. It is remniscent of the wild Vikings – but at least at that time you could challenge the opponent to a duel and have a chance in a fair fight.


Today the central government are clawing in more power under rules that allow the public servant to ”assess” the case.


Even when there is no rule allowing ”assessment” but a clear legal rule, the civil servants will still ”assess”, typically in a way to take away the right of the citizen according to the legal rule.


Afterwards, before the courts, the District and High courts are limiting their powers according to Danish Constitution Article 63, and now say they can not rule in the ”assessment” part of the administrative decision, only in the (faulty)  application of law.


As ”assessment” is the main body of complaints over administrative decisions, this is clearly an unacceptable development.


In other older legal civilisations f.i. Spain there are clearer rules and less a ”assessment” and better possibilities for the citizen to actually succeed in a complaint against a fulty administrative decision.



5.      Good practices


The best practices in Human rights are practised by the Danes – outside their own country.


6.      The contributions of different actors


A major factor is that although DANIDA – Danish international aid and development organisation – invented a Logical Framework Approach, to ensure the inclusion of ”ethnic” viewpoints in development projects in 3rd World countries, Danish municipalities do not employ such experts or use such methods.


The mood has changed dramatically from one of strong criticism of USA for racial segregation to similar practices in denmark as the number of immigrants grew to over 5 per cent of the population.


Interestingly this was predicted by political commentators back when Danish politics was to frown on USA for discrimination ”blacks”.


Another factor has been the change in Danish economy, with closing and/or outsourcing of heavy industry from abt. 1990.


Many workers were placed on ”hold” or early retirement and many ethnic workers were placed on ”hold” together with them.


But due to lack of education and educational tradition these immigrant groups did not understand that the placement on social pay meant a practical exclusion from society and the development of society, and this landed them in isolation as ”parasites” on the ”white” economy – easy targets in the political game of parliamentary politics.


The present government has continued to cut welfare payments and reduced the immigrant groups to near-poverty, without creating the real job opportunities which could have absorbed the unemployed.


The poverty trap also mean that political participation is further restricted.



a.       Awareness, commitment and contributions of Danish state authorities to implementing the Declaration



The present Danish government has based its parliamentary majority on the ”Dansk Folkeparti” which has a strongly right wing anti-alien and anti-Moslem rethoric and policy.


The present government of Mr Fogh Rasmussen has an anti-alien agenda, especially targeted an Turkish (and Kurdish) and Pakistani immigrants and descendants.


These groups have succeeded in getting included in Danish business life, mainly in special sectors such as pizzeria and other fast food, greengrocers and kiosks (over 800). Here they compete with major business corporations such as McDonald’s, the A P Møller – Mærsk Group (through the Dansk Supermarked chain ownin Netto, Føtex and Bilka chains) and the oil majors (owning abt 2000 gas station kiosks) and Danish brewery giant Carlsberg-Tuborg (which also controls the Nordic CocaCola bottling licence) which controls the Danish home market via a recycling bill on bottles and cans (Dansk returemballage A/S).


The Roma have been pushed out of the labour market from abt 1992, as many havy industries started to outsource, and those who are not trapped on social welfare are mostly in cleaning or similar low paid unskilled sectors. 


Danish government has ignored the necessary changes in the Danish labour market to open it for the minorities, who were the first to be pushed out into unemployment.


Danish language skills are increasingly used as a barrier to any job – even to cleaning.


The unemployed ethnic groups incl Roma are then targeted in politics and media as ”parasites”.


The necessary changes in Danish labour matket, tax structure etc. have been placed in a committée – ”The Welfare Committée” – which has postponed the necessary changes.


The group of abt 40.000 unemployed aliens on welfare is used as a tactical political focus by which to unite the voters behind the ”tough” present Danish government.


We suggest that UN itself investigates the policies sponsored especially by Danish Ministry of Integration, but also Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Employment, Ministry of Taxes and Ministry of Interior.


The new municipal structure will make it harder for minorities to have any political representation, especially for the Roma. This also worries the Danish national minority of Germans, see 2nd cycle reporting under Framework Convention for Denmark, 2004.



b.      Awareness, commitment and contributions of Danish local authorities to implementing the Declaration



We can not speak for, how the local authorities implement the declaration on behalf of other minority groups – we can only speak for the Roma.


Not all municipalities are the same – some are more open minded and inclusive than others and some are more discriminatory and exclusive than others.



We conducted research with all Danish municipalities (273) on how they ”integrated” Roma.


Only a small number were at all aware that they had Roma/Gipsy communities and of these again only a small number did anything special for them. None did anything together with the Roma i.e. no process was participatory.


We did not know about the declaration at that time, and did not ask about this.


In some municipalities f.i. Helsingør, the attitude is very negative to the Roma, and we feel the awareness of the declaration would not change this.




c.       Awareness, commitment and contributions of Danish human rights defenders to implementing the Declaration



We have already elsewhere explained that the big NGOs. Which have access to the Danish media, do not cooperate with ROMANO.


Danish media do not allow ROMANO access to their media.


We have requested access to Denmark’s Radio and Danish TV2, citing the Framework Convention (Council of Europe) and the number of Roma/Gypsies and descendants – at least 20.000, and thus at least equal to the Danish national minority of Germans – but we have been refused access.


Other minority groups with no similar legal claim and no similar longstanding historical association to denmark have news programs etc. with Denmark’s Radio – f.i. in Urdu, Tamil and Turkish language.


The newspapers will only allow ROMANO stories, if they can get an ”authoritative” comment from, says, a professor in international law, on whom to base the story. ROMANO views are not themselves ”acceptable” basis for a news story (most recent case of newspaper Berlingske Tidende).




d.      Awareness, commitment and contributions of UN bodies in Denmark to implementing the Declaration



No UN bodies are in contact with ROMANO or Roma/Gypsies in Denmark. We do not know what they do to implement the declaration.




7.   Evolution of the situation. Is the respect for the Declaration increasing or decreasing? Factors with significant impact?


To answer this question it is necessary first to define ”respect” and how it is measured.


We have already described, how Human Rights Defenders in denmark are devided into large NGOs, who have access to the media and who get government funds, especially for projects abroad – such as Danish refugee Council (Dansk Flygtningehjælp), Amnesty, Red Cross, Danish Church Aid etc. – and small NGOs which receive no government funding and who have little or no access to media – such as ROMANO.


We have alse described, how these large NGOs refuse to cooperate with ROMANO.


Specifically for Roma/Gypsies in Denmark it is the opinion of ROMANO that the respect for HR defenders is decreasing.


We refer to a number of specific issues and cases.


Family reunion:


Family reunion has become more and more difficult in Denmark. The government of Mr Fogh Rasmussen has introduced a steady stream of laws and regulations, to make family reunion ever more difficult.


The most noteworthy are the ”24 year rule” and the ”28 year rule” in Danish Alien Law.


The 24-year rule prevents Roma to marry and live in Denmark, if one is Third Country national and at least one is below 24 years of age. Roma tend to marry young, so this rule is especially hard on Roma, and we argue targeted at Roma, which the authorities well know marry young.

The 28-year rule means discrimination between Danes, who have had their citizenship for 28 years or more (white ethnic Danes) and those who have more recently become Danes f.i. children of ex-Yugoslav Roma born in Denmark and becoming naturalised when they get to be 18 years, and who must wait until they are 28 years to get full citizenship rights.


This is against the nationality Convention (Council of Europe) Article 5.2 but the Danish government and the administrative agencies do not respect this convention.



ROMANO has been involved as legal representative in many  such cases.


ROMANO finds that the respect for Danish Administration Act articles 7 and 8 is rapidly dimishing in Roma cases.


ROMANO feels that administrative decisions in Roma cases often violate Administrative Act article 7 on giving guidance and assistance within the are of the specific administrative authority, and to refer the case to the correct authority where the case belongs under another authority.


Instead the administrators take advantage of any lack of knowledge on the part of Roma and deprive them of their lawful rights if the Roma (f.i. due to lack of legal training) do not know their rights beforehand and cite them article by article and by administrative and legal rulings.


Also the authorities and the courts will refuse legal representation to Roma, where this could help the Roma win their cases.


In administrative practice this means that the authorities will refuse Roma to have two representatives i.e. both ROMANO as a political rope holder and case collector and comparitor and a lawyer, who has authority to go before f.i. a court or who can get the free legal aid.


This means that Danish authorities tries to prevent Roma from accumulating the documentation on discrimination of Roma, and in stead spread it over many different lawyers, who are not interested in Roma minority issues but only in doing their layer’s job against a fee (meaning that if not enough fee is available the job gets poorly done).


Also, Danish District Courts Østre Landsret and Vestre Landsret refuse Roma cases to be heard, where the Roma appear in person to argue their case, and the courts also refuse Roma free legal aid, f.i. under alien law and sometimes courts appoint lawyers for the Roma – lawyers who do not communicate with the Roma and decide the case together with the authorities and the court in ”secret” hearings.


We refer to a.o.


Adnan and Nafije Jasaraj Vestre Landsret B-2152-04


Family Aliju v. Danish Rewfugee Council (Flygtningenævnet) High Court 110/2005


Dalibor Nika v. Ministry of Integration Østre Landsret B-2128-05


We further point to all decisions yet made by Danish State Attorneys in complaints filed to the police over alledged Penal Code violations i.e.


Administrative decisions violating Penal Code a.o. Articles 150-151


(administrators pressuring Roma to do, suffer or not do something)


Media reporting violating Penal Code Article 266b (”Racism” article)


(f.i. right wing politicians stating that ”Islam is like Hitler” or a chemist chain, Danish Secret Police and Danish State Television news  claiming that suspected terrorists look like ”gypsies” – without any evidence)


Danish Immigration Authorities also rutinely ignore written powers of attorney from Roma refugees to ROMANO and move the refugees frequently, block their access to communication, and thus prevent legal representation according to ECHR Protocol 7 Article 1.



Significant factors are a total lack of funding for ROMANO – and refusal of all funding applications, especially for legal aid and political and HR activities.


We can refer to recent decisions by


-         Ministry of Finance ref no 020-36

-         Ministry of Integration ref no 2004/5082-31

-         Ministry of Justice ref no 2005-4051-0144



Danish government also refuses to meet with ROMANO a.o.


Ministry of Integration ref. Not. 2003/4139-102 dated 31 may 2005, where we on the basis of the Resolution passed 29 April 2005 by European Parliament and the list of priority issues concerning Roma listed therein asked again for a meeting. The ministry again refused.


Ministry of Finance fund especially Christrian (often fundamentalist) organisations, according to the statistics commented by the media. The money is collected from Danish State Lotto Monopoly.


Ministry of Justice refuse to give legal aid to Roma, arguing it will not give legal aid only to a ”special group” although the ministry itself documented it gives legal aid to ”The Greenlander’s Legal Aid Service” and to ”Single Mother’s Assistance” and ”Beaten Women’s Refuge”.


An important factor is that the present Danish government does not wish to recognise the Roma as a national minority although 2005 is the 500th anniversary of Roma coming to Denmark (according to historical evidence) and of the longstanding historical presence of Roma in Denmark (ever since), with small immigration throughtout recorded history.



Helsingør, on the 15th August 2005


Eric Støttrup Thomsen

Chairman ”ROMANO”





Er Novo også forbeholdt hvide danskere?



Sanela henvendte sig til Novo Nordisk i torsdags, må det være, for at tale med afdelingsleder Lena Charlotte Andersen på telefon 3075 3374


Hun ville gerne have et af de ledige jobs i pakkeriet jfr ”Berlingske” Business søndag 2. oktober 2005 p. 15


Men det havde hun misforstået, sagde Lena Charlotte Andersen til hende, - der var slet ikke nogen ledige jobs, og der var heller ikke nogen i produktionen. Novo søgte nogle afdelingsledere etc.


Nu er de ledige jobs i pakkeriet igen slået op i ”Berlingske” Business søndag 9. oktober 2005 p. 18.


I fredags var Sanela i Helsingborg i Sverige for at lade sig registrere hos ”Arbetsförmedlingen” og for at se, hvilke ledige jobs de havde derovre.


Men ”Arbetsförmedlingen” nægtede at registrere hende! Det kan godt ske, hun er dansk (nordisk) statsborger, men hun må altså alligevel se forkert ud, siden heller ikke svenskerne vil tillade hende at slippe ind på arbejdsmarkedet.


Her i Nordsjælland er der mange Roma, som må arbejde for effektivt 30-50 kr i timen. De gør rent bl.a. på skolerne, idet kommunerne har ”outsourcet” rengøring til små

rengøringsfirmaer, som kæmper hårdt om kontrakterne og sender resultatet videre nedad på rangstigen.


F.eks. havde ”Lille-Mirko” et  rengøringsjob på VUC, normeret til 4½ time, men det tog mindst 8-9 timer, det var tre etager. En aften var hans mor med for at hjælpe og holde ham ved selskab, og fordi hun ikke havde spise hele dagen, tog hun et stykke kage fra et fad i skolens køkken. Så blev ”Lille-Mirko” fyret.


Og Roza havde et rengøringsjob hos Skov og Landskab, KVL, i Hørsholm. Hendes rengøringsleder Merete Nielsen var blevet utilfreds med hende og indstillede hende til fyring, fordi hun et par gange ikke var kommet kl. 18.30 som Merete ville. Men der var tale om ”nøgle arbejde”. Merete påstod også, at Roza havde lavet fejl. Men der findes ingen arbejdsbeskrivelse, og Merete havde også forbudt Roza at skrive på tavlen til eleverne (voksne!), at de skulle huske at sætte stolene op (ca. 400 stole) fordi dette forsinkede arbejdet (timelønnen falder) og det er hårdt arbejde for en kvinde at sætte 400 stole op hver dag, ligesom rengøringsudstyret er gammeldags og tidskrævende. KVL betalte ikke ekstra for at sætte stole op. Men KVL svarer ikke på skriftlige henvendelser og Roza’s svar til Merete’s klager! 3f tillidsrepræsentant Bente Jensen svarer heller ikke!


Vi har flere gange henvendt os til beskæftigelsesminister Claus Hjort Frederiksen om situationen, men hans indsats har begrænset sig til at tage ud i Mjølner-Parken for at faldbyde endnu flere af denne type rengøringsjob – sammen med DR TV-avisen.