Press release
The parents of the Danish soldier killed in Iraq, Bjarke Kirkmand, sue
the Danish Prime Minister for breach of the Constitution in connection with
Denmark’s participation in the war against Iraq
Today, November 22.
2005 at 2:00 p.m., a lawsuit was delivered by Johan and Kirsten Elisabeth Kirkmand
to the Eastern High Court for breaches of the constitution in connection with
Denmark’s participation in the war. Johan and Kirsten Kirkmand are the parents
of Bjarke Kirkmand, who was killed in Iraq on October 1. 2005. Denmark’s
participation, under American command and without a UN mandate, was based on
the decision of 61 members of parliament on 21. March 2003.
They join the group
of 24 plaintiffs who delivered a lawsuit on 11. October 2005 for breach of § 19
of the Danish constitution, according to which the use of military force may
only be applied under a UN mandate, and within the boundaries of commonly
accepted international law. The decision is also considered to be in breach of
§ 20 of the constitution, as it does not fulfil the requirement of a 5/6
parliamentary majority in relinquishing sovereignty, the Danish troops having
been placed under foreign command.
Furthermore, Mr.
and Mrs. Kirkmand are suing the Prime Minister for the symbolic amount of 10,001
kr., as compensation for their suffering which has resulted from their son
Bjarke having been killed in the unconstitutional war against Iraq.
After the first
lawsuit was delivered on 11. October 2005, critics claimed that it would be
rejected by the High Court, on the grounds that the group of plaintiffs is not
eligible to bring the case as an interested party. The addition of Mr. and Mrs.
Kirkmand to the group of plaintiffs will remove any doubts regarding their eligibility.
The plaintiffs
are represented by the lawyers Christian Harlang and Bjoern Elmquist.
For interviews with the
plaintiffs or lawyers, please contact:
Ilie, tlf. (+45) 2625 0234 eller
email: danilie75@gmail.com
Signe Sloth Hansen, tlf. (+45) 4089 7216
eller email: signeslothhansen@gmail.com
Tom Clark, tlf.
(+45) 6062 1763 or email: tclark@tiscali.dk