Fra Juha Uski <>




Internationel sultestrejke mod USA's tjekkiske Star Wars eventyr



Jan Tamas, lederen af den tjekkiske bevægelse mod den planlagte amerikanske militærbase, vil begynde at sultestrejke tirsdag den 13. maj. Han vil få følgeskab af Jan Bednar, en aktivist i bevægelsen. I Danmark vil en solidaritets-sultestrejke finde sted ved Christiansborgs Slotsplads fra Tirsdag d. 13. maj kl. 12:00.


"Vi har forsøgt næsten alt muligt, men vores regering har ikke villet lytte til os. Den fortsætter med at ignorere det faktum, at mere en to tredjedele af den tjekkiske befolkning er imod denne plan," udtaler Jan Tamas, med reference til den opinionsundersøgelse som fandt sted i marts måned 2008, og som viste at 67 % af tjekkerne var imod den planlagte indsættelse af en amerikansk radar i Tjekkiet, som en del af USA's Missilforsvar.


"Vi henvender os for støtte i vores bestræbelser hos vores udenlandske venner, idet dette ikke blot handler om et lokalt anliggende, men et regionalt." For tiden har 16 byer i Europa givet deres støtte til sultestrejken, og vil slutte sig til de to tjekkere ved at gå i solidaritetssultestrejker i deres byer. Disse inkluderer Paris, Athen, Rom, Budapest, Berlin, Amsterdam, Madrid, Zürich, Porto, Bruxelles og andre storbyer. De fleste steder sker denne som en kæde-sultestrejke, hvor hver deltager sultestrejker kun en eller to dage.




Juha Uski, aktivisten fra Fællesskabet for Menneskets Udvikling, vil deltage i denne politiske demonstration – faste i 24 timer i solidaritet med de tjekkiske aktivister. Han vil kun indtage vand i perioden fra tirsdag den 13. kl. 12:00 til onsdag den 14. kl. 12:00. I løbet af den periode vil han opholde sig hos Fredsvagten på Christiansborgs Slotsplads.


Vi anmoder interesserede mennesker, der ønsker at deltage i denne protest, om at besøge os på Christiansborg Slotsplads – for at planlægge og lave aftaler om en fortsættelse af denne internationale demonstration, som vil løbe af staben indenfor de næste 2 uger. Vi anmoder også alle om at besøge os for at støtte med en underskrift til den internationale igangværende underskriftindsamlingskampagne, lanceret af tjekkerne, online på:




Et brev omhandlende ovenstående er ligeledes blevet sendt til den tjekkiske ambassade, amerikanske ambassade, det danske udenrigsministerie, danske medlemmer af det Europæiske Parlament, organisationer, politiske partier og medier.




Information om sultestrejken kan findes på Websiden vil dagligt blive opdateret med videoklip fra Prag - og hvis muligt -  også fra andre europæiske byer, hvor der, fra i dag, foregår sultestrejker og andre aktiviteter.


Flere informationer kan findes på ovennævnte webside, eller se de seneste interviews med Dr. Tamas på 'Democracy Now': (

eller 'Russia Today' (


Med venlig hilsen


Juha Uski


På vegne af Fællesskabet for Menneskets Udvikling






For the attention of the medias of communication




We are writing to you to draw your attention to a grave situation which is developing in the heart of Europe during these days: the United States of America are actually about to occupy the Czech Republic militarily. This does not concern an invasion, or a war, but the installation of a military bases as part of the USA's NMD project - its national missile system - with the agreement of

a corrupt puppet government very close to US economic interests.


More than 70% of the Czech population is contrary, and many more are doubtful, but all the opposition has been gagged. By means of agencies lobbying in the interests of the giant arms industries directly involved in the construction of the so-called "space shield", the United States government is seeking to control the Czech government, and the means of communications, and sectors of the economic and scientific life of the country. The big campaign they are carrying out to discredit everyone opposed to this military occupation is using everything short of physical violence up to now - fortunately. Billions of dollars are at stake in this issue!


The connivance between these lobbying agencies and the ODS party, which holds the majority in the government, has been noted in the Czech Republic. The Czech government can only count on a majority thanks to a Green Party, which miraculously reached 6% in the last elections, with its pro-American policies favourable to re-armament which are very different to the policies of other green parties in the world.


On the other hand, the US Congress has not been adequately informed of what is actually happening in the Czech Republic. The majority of  Congress members believe that this agreement with the Czech Republic is taking place harmoniously, with the agreement of the majority of the population, with only small protests by some extremist groups.


The United States government can only control political life in the heart of Europe thanks to the silent acquiescence of Governments in other European countries. This shameful and complicit silence is allowing foreign troops to intervene in Europe against the will of the people, and is assisting in the destruction of Czech Republic's young democracy. The consequences of all this may well go well beyond what is imaginable at present.


We are expressing our solidarity with friends in the Czech Republic who will begin a hunger strike.


We call upon you to give space to such an important issue, and to help us open up a debate in our country on such an important issue.



Juha Uski

Fællesskabet for Menneskets Udvikling





For the attention of social organisations and political parties



We are writing to you to draw your attention to a grave situation which is developing in the heart of Europe during these days: the United States of America are actually about to occupy the Czech Republic militarily. This does not concern an invasion, or a war, but the installation of a military bases as part of the USA's NMD project - its national missile system - with the agreement of

a corrupt puppet government very close to US economic interests.


More than 70% of the Czech population is contrary, and many more are doubtful, but all the opposition has been gagged. By means of agencies lobbying in the interests of the giant arms industries directly involved in the construction of the so-called "space shield", the United States government is seeking to control the Czech government, and the means of communications, and sectors of the economic and scientific life of the country. The big campaign they are carrying out to discredit everyone opposed to this military occupation is using everything short of physical violence up to now - fortunately. Billions of dollars are at stake in this issue!


The connivance between these lobbying agencies and the ODS party, which holds the majority in the government, has been noted in the Czech Republic. The Czech government can only count on a majority thanks to a Green Party, which miraculously reached 6% in the last elections, with its pro-American policies favourable to re-armament which are very different to the policies of other green parties in the world.


On the other hand, the US Congress has not been adequately informed of what is actually happening in the Czech Republic. The majority of  Congress members believe that this agreement with the Czech Republic is taking place harmoniously, with the agreement of the majority of the population, with only small protests by some extremist groups.


The United States government can only control political life in the heart of Europe thanks to the silent acquiescence of Governments in other European countries. This shameful and complicit silence is allowing foreign troops to intervene in Europe against the will of the people, and is assisting in the destruction of Czech Republic's young democracy. The consequences of all this may well go well beyond what is imaginable at present.


We are expressing our solidarity with friends in the Czech Republic who will begin a hunger strike.


We call upon you to forcefully and decisively support this campaign, and do everything possible to ensure that our government, and the European parliament, take a clear position against this political and military interference, and that they apply all the diplomatic pressure necessary so that this agreement between the USA and the Czech Republic takes place transparently in accord with the actual rules of democracy. We call upon you to support the online petition at, and to apply all possible pressure so that our country opens up a debate on such an important question.



Juha Uski

Fællesskabet for Menneskets Udvikling


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