D 28.05.2010 modtaget fra John Avery <avery.john.s@ gmail.com>


10 overlevende efter atombombesprængingerne i Hiroshima og Nagasaki

Besøger København 1. juni.



Opdateret pressemeddelelse med mere detaljerede oplysninger:


Den 1. juni kommer 10 såkaldte "Hibakusha" ("Jeg overlevede bomben")

 til København med Peace Boat. De 10 Hibakusha er mere end 70 år gamle

og overlevende efter bombningerne af Hiroshima og Nagasaki i 1945.

Mange af dem har trods sygdomme dedikeret deres liv til at advare

verden mod brugen af atomvåben gennem deres egne gribende beretninger

om hvorfor det aldrig mere må ske. De bliver modtaget på Københavns

Rådhus af kultur og fritidsborgmester Pia Allerslev og skal derefter

til Christianshavns Gymnasium og SGI Nordisk Kulturcenter på Østerbro.



Program for besøget:


Program 1.juni 9.00 til 16.30


9.00 til 9.45 (kun journalister)


Rådhuset, Rådhuspladsen 1, 1599 København V.  Værelse 86.


To overlevende fra Hiroshima og Nagasaki bombningerne, også kaldet

Hibakushas, bliver taget imod af Kultur og fritidsborgermester Pia

Allerslev på Københavns Rådhus. Efterfølgende mulighed for interview

med japansk/engelsk oversætter tilstede.

For yderligere information kontakt:

Meri Joyce: telefon 2794 7468 - international koordinator Peace Boat

Camilla Cecilie Valeur: telefon 24873836 - SGI Danmark




10.00 til 11.30 (alle interesserede er velkomne)


Otte Hibakushas besøger Christianshavn gymnasium, Christian IV sal, som er i et

anneks i Prinsessegade 62, indgang H, på den anden side af gaden I forhold til

Christianshavns Gymnasiums hovedbygning,


10.00-10.05 Velkomsttale af Lektor Gorm Gunnarsen

10.05-10.15 Fredssange sunget af SGI kor

10.15-11.30 Fortællinger fra overlevende efter Hiroshima og Nagasaki

bombningerne (Hibakushas)


 Dansk oversættelse.


Mulighed for efterfølgende interview.



15.00 til 16.30


En gruppe Hibakushas besøger SGI's Nordisk Kulturcenter, A.F.

Kriegersvej 3, 2100

København Ø.

15.00-15.20 præsentation af aktiviteterne og historien bag Peace Boat

(Peace Boat)

15.20-16:30 Fortællinger fra overlevende efter Hiroshima og Nagasaki

bombningerne (Hibakushas)

For yderligere information kontakt:

Jan Møller,  61-789299




Peace Boat 69ende verdensrejse med besøg i København:


Peace Boat sejlede fra Japan den 16. april 2010 og skal besøge 22

anløbshavne i 20 lande rundt om i verden, herunder København den

1.juni. Med om bord er ti Hibakusha (atombombe overlevende). Rejsen

finder sted på samme tidspunkt som USA og Rusland skal underskrive en

ny START-aftale og USA presser på for at få en styrket

ikke-spredningsaftale vedtaget i FN.  Fredsbådens rejse har et stærkt

fokus på nedrustning af kernevåben og hvordan man kan skabe en

fredelig , atomvåbenfri verden. Skibet vil vende tilbage til Japan den

25. juli, 2010. For mere information: www.peaceboat.org




Peace Boat: er en japansk NGO, der foretager sine vigtigste

aktiviteter gennem en lejet passagerskib, som rejser rundt i verden

 på fredsmissioner. Tre verdensrejser og en kortere rejse i Asien er

 normalt organiseret hvert år. De tre måneders lange verdensrejser har

 typisk følgeskab af 800 deltagere og besøg i 15-20 lande.





 Information om de 10 Hibakusha


 Name:   YAGYU Kentaro

 Gender: Male

 Date of Birth:  May 10, 1942

 Place of Birth: Onomichi-shi, Hiroshima

 Place of Exposure: Ushita-cho, Hiroshima

 Kind of Exposure: Direct Exposure

 Situation of Exposure:

 I was three years and three months old at the time, and taking a nap lying

 between my parents under a mosquito net. The blast blew the roof off, and my

 father - who had been near a window - was pierced with shards of glass. My

 mother and I were not harmed. We evacuated to the mountains as the fire drew



 Life after the A-bomb

 My father, who had gone into the city the next day, soon after suffered from

 leukemia. My mother was also affected by the bombing, and was listless for a

 while but later recovered. I married and together with my wife had two children

 and three grandchildren. Luckily they are healthy and at this stage seem to be

 unaffected by radiation.


 Peace Activities

 Since retirement, I have been serving as secretary of the Ashiya City Hibakusha

 Association, which has 80 members. In 2008 I was also invited to participate in

 the the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony as a representative of Hyogo

 Prefecture by the Japan Confederation of A- and H- Bomb Sufferers Organisation

 (Nihon Hidankyo). I also visit local peace groups to give testimony of my


 Name: OGINO Mihoko

 Gender: Female

 Date of Birth:  April 2, 1943

 Place of Birth: Hiroshima City

 Kind of Exposure: Direct Exposure

 Place of Exposure: Niho-cho, Hiroshima City


 Situation of Exposure:

 I was directly exposed to the A-bomb. The blast blew away the building I was in,

 every window shattered, and my leg was injured by the glass shards.


 Life after the A-bomb

 It is said that Japan went into war with the US despite lacking resources, and

 was almost destined to lose. The living conditions were poor all over Japan. My

 father was in poor health, but he did not want to talk of his experiences of the

 A-bomb to us or to others.


 Peace Activities

 Hibakusha are aging, and our average age is now 75 years old. I feel responsible

 as one of the survivors to give testimony and take part in peace activities.

 Little by little I have started to listen to people's stories and take part in

 peace activities.


 Name: TSUKAMOTO Michiko

 Gender: Female

 Date of Birth:  September 16, 1934

 Place of Birth: Hiroshima

 Kind of Exposure: Exposed during rescue work

 Place of Exposure: On an island in the Seto Inland Sea, Hiroshima


 Situation of Exposure:

 I was born in Hiroshima in 1934, and when I was ten years old (Grade 5 in

 Primary School) I was evacuated to the remote island where my father was

 originally from. Both of my parents were teachers, however my mother left her

 job for the sake of me and my older brother and moved with us to the island.

 August 5 was my father's 42nd birthday, and so my mother had travelled to

 Hiroshima to have a small celebration with him. My father never returned after

 leaving for work the next morning, August 6. My mother was blown away when the

 bomb was dropped as she was mobilised for labour service that morning. She was

 buried under a large building with a serious injury to her head, and burns to

 her arms. She stayed outside in that state for around a week, and was walking

 through the city searching through piles of corpses to find my father. When she

 reached her physical limits she returned to the island, but at the same time as

 returning home she collapsed.


 Life after the A-Bomb

 For around the next eight months, my mother was seemingly endlessly in the

 hospital. My brother and I also stayed overnight there, and helped to treat the

 over one hundred people who arrived every day carried on stretchers from

 Hiroshima in terrible states. We did as much as we could to help, including

 feeding her fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. Finally my mother was able to return

 to her teaching position, and despite suffering from radiation disease continued

 to dedicate her life to children for the next 16 years until her difficult life

 ended when she was 52 years old.


 Peace Activities

 I believe that it is my mission to share with the world about the sad, pointless

 deaths of my parents, the importance of peace, and the terror of nuclear

 weapons. Until now I have given testimonies at many activities including

 churches, schools and local community gatherings. Outside of Japan, I have also

 participated in events giving testimony at an exhibition held at the United

 Nations Headquarters and at Columbia University.



 Name: KAJIYAMA Yoshi

 Gender: Male

 Date of Birth:  September 12,1941

 Place of Birth: Hijiyama-honmachi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima

 Kind of Exposure: Direct Exposure

 Place of Exposure: Ushita-cho, Hiroshima


 Situation of Exposure:

 Because I was very young (3 years old) when the A-bomb was dropped, I have no

 memory of my parents - my father died in battle and my mother by the bomb. I

 grew up with the constant fear of the effects of radiation on myself.


 Life after the A-bomb

 I did not feel particularly unhappy as I was with my grandparents who

 wholeheartedly took care of me and my brothers. After they both died I looked

 back and realised how difficult it must have been for them to do so.


 Peace Activities

 Nuclear weapons allow humans to cause indiscriminative destruction and slaughter

 in a massive area upon their will. Those who are lucky and survive the attack

 also suffer from the effects of radiation for generations. This is terribly sad

 and unfortunate. I believe humanity will have no future unless all nuclear

 weapons are abolished from this earth.

 Many people have built a movement and united to call for the abolition of

 nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, the struggle has not yet ended. Although my

 contribution is but humble, I hope to learn more about the situation and play a

 part in the abolition of nuclear weapons.



 Name: NAKATANI Etsuko

 Gender: Female

 Date of Birth:  October 27, 1949 (SECOND-GENERATION HIBAKUSHA)

 Place of Birth: Hiroshima

 Exposure of Family members: Affected by radiation after entering the city after

 the bomb


 Situation of Exposure:

 Both of my parents and their family lived in Hatsukaichi, 16 km away from

 Hiroshima, so they were not exposed to the A-bomb directly. However, my father

 entered Kannon-cho in Hiroshima City in the morning of August 6 to investigate

 the situation of his workplace, Hiroshima Prefectural Dai-Ni (Second) Junior

 High School. From August 7 and on he went to Nakajima-shinmachi (right next to

 the hypocentre) to confirm the whereabouts of his first grade Junior High school

 students, and stayed there to meet parents who came looking for their children,

 giving them items left behind by their children. He fell ill with acute

 radiation disrease around August 15, but his health later improved.

 My mother went into the city on August 15 to look for her relatives in

 Minami-misasacho (2 km from the hypocentre). They had been staying at Koi

 Elementary School after being rescued, however they were then cremated there on

 August 16.

 My two brothers were exposed to radiation after going together with our father

 part-way into the city to look for relatives. They had passed through the

 hypocentre on the way to Midori-machi. My sister went along with my mother and

 thus was also exposed.


 Life after the A-bomb

 My father fell ill through being exposed to radiation after entering the city,

 however luckily he recovered. According to my mother, it was because we lived

 far away from the city and were able to feed ourselves with fresh seafood from

 the nearby port. Upon his recovery he continued to work as a teacher and retired

 as a senior staff member of a newly formed high school. However, he never talked

 about the tragedy of the A-bomb that he witnessed. The only episode he shared

 with me was seeing many corpses of students floating on the flowing river. I was

 ten years old at the time, and could not understand why he did not talk much. I

 was weak and often sick when I was little. Apparently my father was worried

 about the effect of radiation on my lymph nodes. I remember well him muttering

 that "I will not apply for the Hibakusha Booklet until my children get married".

 My mother had liver cirrhosis and multiple myeloma, but until she passed away

 three years ago at the age of 96 was never completely bed-ridden.


 Peace Activities

 On March 5, 1988, the Hiroshima Prefecture Second Generation Hibakusha Teachers'

 Association was formed, and I joined them. At the same time, I became the Vice

 President of the Society of Second Generation Teachers in Japan Teachers' Union,

 and started to become involved in the second generation Hibakusha movement. In

 August 1988 I became a member of the Committee for Second Generation Hibakusha

 Health and Reality Survey, which reached out to second generation Hibakusha

 teachers in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Osaka to ask about their health and

 opinions. We collected the results in 1989 and realised the great anxiety for

 health and sense of prejudice against second generation Hibakusha amongst many

 second-generation Hibakusha. That led to me becoming serious about my

 involvement in issues surrounding second generation hibakusha.

 Later I took part in Hiroshima Prefecture Second Generation A-bomb Liaison

 Council and became Secretary-General. Our activities included calling for the

 commencement of negotiations for the improvement of health checks for

 second-generation Hibakusha, for cooperation from the city and prefecture of

 Hiroshima for the issuing of the Second Generation Hibakusha Health Booklet, and

 setting up a consultation service for second generation Hibakusha. Since then,

 and still now, I am acting as secretary. We are also hosting the atom bomb

 exhibition by Maruki Iri & Toshi, and the exhibition of photos taken by citizens

 of Global Hibakusha.




 Name: TANAKA Kenji

 Gender: Male

 Date of Birth:  March, 1946

 Place of Birth: Hiroshima

 Place of Exposure: Hiroshima

 Kind of Exposure: In-utero Exposure

 Situation of Exposure:

 My mother was 3 months pregnant when she was exposed. I heard about the details

 from my mother and other people around me after I entered elementary school.

 My mother was at her home 3km to the south of the hypocentre at 8:15 am, August

 6, 1945. She headed to the hypocentre later on August 6 to check on her aunt who

 lived there. I heard from my mother that on the way, she witnessed many dead

 bodies floating in the river and many Hibakusha in horrible states.

 My grandfather was on his way home from the suburbs in the morning of August 6

 and was caught in the "black rain" 5km away from the hypocentre.


 Life after the A-bomb

 I was born in March 1946, the year after the bombing. From birth I was blind in

 my right eye (cataract). My aunt whose house was at the hypocentre miraculously

 survived after being directly exposed while on a train platform, 700m from the

 hypocentre. She had keloids (burns) on the left side of her body, but

 miraculously survived. Other than that, she did not leave home much but also did

 not suffer from radiation disease. She lived quietly until passing away at 89.

 My grandfather who was caught in the "black rain" died of cancer 14 years later.

 My brother who was 3 when the A-bomb was dropped also had cancer and died at 61.

 Two years later I lost my mother to cancer, too.

 Although I was born disabled, other than my blind right eye I have enjoyed

 living in good health until today. I am now 64. My second-generation hibakusha

 younger brother is also in good health.


 Peace Activities

 People of my age were still in-utero or not yet one year old at the time of the

 bombing. Our grade had the fewest students in the school. After entering

 elementary school, health check-ups by the ABCC (Atomic Bomb Casualty

 Commission) were waiting for us.

 At the time, news about the Hibakusha's health situation was broadcast

 regularly, and a Japanese fishing boat was exposed to a hydrogen bomb test in

 the Marshall Islands. I grew up amongst this time, when the Japanese

 anti-nuclear movement was born.

 We have been constantly reminded that we are "Hibakusha," whether we like it or

 not. I regard it natural and even a responsibility to join the anti-nuclear

 movement as a Hibakusha.



 Name: KODAMA Mitsuo

 Gender: Male

 Date of Birth:  September 24, 1932

 Place of Birth: Ko-jin cho, Hiroshima City

 Place of Exposure: Zakoba cho, Hiroshima City (900m from the hypocentre)

 Kind of Exposure: Direct Exposure


 Situation of Exposure:

 I was 12 years old (first grade of junior high) and at school when the A-bomb

 was dropped. The school building I was in was wooden, with ceramic tiles on the

 roof. Luckily I was in the middle of the classroom, so I was able to escape from

 the collapsed building. I repeatedly vomited, yet had no physical injuries and

 walked for 2km before I fell unconscious and was rescued. After a short repose

 at a nearby home, I started my journey home in the evening on foot and by train.

 It was almost midnight when I reached our home in the village I had been

 evacuated to, Hesaka-mura (5km away from Hiroshima City).

 In the latter half of August 1945, I had acute radiation/A-bomb disease (loss of

 hair, hemorrhage in lungs, purpura, passed blood in urine and stools, high fever

 over 42C etc)


 Life after the A-bomb

 In October same year I suffered from shingles. In November, I started to

 practice walking again, and then returned to school (a temporary building) in

 December/January. My health condition was unstable, and I suffered from


 My father was 42 years old then, working for the Hiroshima Post Office. He was

 in Fukuoka  on Kyushu island that day.

 My mother was 39 years old then, working 800m from the hypocentre in Hiroshima

 for company making bedding for the military. However, on that day she stayed

 home because of a headache.

 My little sister was 10 years old, in Grade 5 of elementary school. She was

 helping in rescue work for Hibakusha (the hypocentre-5.5km).


 Peace Activities

 I have appeared on several television programmes and maintain my testimonial

 weblog "Hibakusha, message from Hiroshima". In 2008, the Hiroshima University

 Archive published my interview as "Oral History: Surviving the A-Bomb Fields",

 to be shelved in main libraries all over Japan. I also give testimonies and

 lectures at schools, universities and local community centres around Hiroshima.

 Name: BONKOHARA Kunihiko

 Gender: Male

 Date of Birth: September 12, 1941

 Place of Birth: Hiroshima City

 Place of Exposure: Funairi, Hiroshima (2km from the hypocentre)

 Kind of Exposure: Direct exposure


 Life after the A-bomb

 5 years old at the time. With a family of six, my older brother and sister were

 primary school students and had been evacuated. Another older sister and my

 mother were mobilised to work, and so had gone into central Hiroshima. Only me

 and my father were at home at the time. When the atomic bomb was dropped, at the

 moment of the bright light my father pushed me under a desk, and placed himself

 on top of me to protect me. My father was blown away by the blast, and his body

 was pierced by shards of glass and wooden rubble. Luckily the building next to

 our home was a brick factory, and so our house did not burn. My father went to a

 nearby river to wash his body, and when he came back home the black rain began

 to fall. The city was full of horribly burned people.


 Life after the A-bomb

 My body became covered in blotches, and when I was in Grade 4 at primary school

 I was troubled with lung disease. After that, I somehow recovered and after I

 left high school I joined the construction industry development youth corps.

 When I was 20 years old, I left home and travelled by ship to immigrate to

 Brazil. My father was diagnosed with stomach cancer and my mother breast cancer,

 and they both passed away. Because I was in Brazil, I was not able to meet with

 them at the end.


 Peace Activities

 At the moment I am helping to support procedures for medical care and treatment

 for Hibakusha living in Latin America. Furthermore, I give testimonies in

 schools in Brazil, and have been invited to Hiroshima and Nagasaki to give

 testimonies as well.




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Med venlig hilsen

 Arne Hansen

 Sønderjyllands Alle 35, 9900 Frederikshavn Danmark,

 Tlf.(+45)98425542, mobil 30420818, post@arnehansen.net,

 www.arnehansen.net, www.arnehansen.net/dialog, www.fmef.dk

 Skriv gerne under på http://www.asylboerneneudnu.dk/






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