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Med fredelig hilsen

Arne Hansen


From the office of Lancaster Women In Black,

730 Hamilton Street, Lancaster, PA 17602

Tel./Fax (717) 394-9110


April 20th, 1999

Dear First Lady Hilary Clinton,


We are writing to you with great urgency to inform you of what the peace

groups in Belgrade have come up with called 'BELGRADE 17-NGO

APPEAL'(enclosed). We received this information directly from Belgrade

only 10 days ago. The Lancaster Women In Black group feels strongly that

this appeal has much merit and should be seriously looked over by the United

States Peace Mission and NATO. We are asking you to please show your

husband, President Bill Clinton, this important piece of information that

may not have been presented to him or his administration.

Some background about us: we are members of an international peace group

called Women In Black. The Women In Black first appeared on the streets of

Israel in 1983 opposing the occupation of Palestine. It is believed that

it was through their efforts that initiated the peace plan that exists today.

Since then, Women In Black have appeared on the streets of numerous cities

and the Women In Black in Belgrade started their protest on October 9, 1991.

Now there are Women In Black who protest the wars in Bosnia, Croatia,

Somalia and every war, opposing every war as a war against women and

children. We recognize that war rapes are war crimes and used as a weapon of


Our local group, Lancaster Women In Black, began in September 1993 during

the former Yugoslavia war. We stood weekly in a silent vigil on the

courthouse steps to show our solidarity with the Women In Black in Belgrade.

This public demonstration was only the beginning. From this silent vigil,

additional efforts were begun to raise funds to be sent to help our sisters

in the former Yugoslavia. The women in Belgrade have been and continue to

operate numerous important women centers such as The Autonomous Women's

Center, SOS Women's telephone line, and women shelters. Even during the

bombings, these women continue to work day and night, supporting girls and

women that are in need. There are only a few of them, they continue in

spite of being exhausted by the constant overload.

The efforts of the Women In Black only scratch the surface of what is

necessary to bring about peace. Due to financial limitations, our beliefs

and concepts for a lasting and sustainable peace remain mute in the

blackness of ignorance. In spite of these limitations, we, women for peace

around the world, continue our commitment in finding ways to support and

affirm the efforts of the women in areas of conflict.

Through our diverse actions, the Lancaster Women In Black have alerted

people in our community to the situation in the entire former Yugoslavia,

while specifically encouraging and supporting our sister group in Belgrade.

Although our focus and conception was instigated by the Belgrade Women in

Black, our ideas and desire for peace include all women and children of the


Six years of experience have brought forth-different ideas, which could be

utilized, in the peacemaking efforts that would be more conducive to a

lasting and sustainable peace. The conflicts that confront us today reveal

new perspectives. The subtle and complex dimensions of civil wars have

received international responses. We realize that if the cultural and

social impacts of wars are not addressed differently, they are merely

compounded from generation to generation and pre-destined to be repeated.

In addition to the usual measures promoted by the United Nations for

post-conflict peace building, we strongly believe that there needs to be a

concerted effort to heal the minds of the people. We see a need to break

the repetitious cycle of war. We need to promote permanent culture and

permanent agriculture (Permaculture), based on wholesome, sustainable


Healing the minds of people can be achieved with transformative programs.

Such programs include the promotion of interpersonal skills, conflict

resolution, the Alternative to Violence Project (AVP), children's peace

building teams, holistic health and sustainable lifestyles.

As a group, we are capable of developing centers, here and in areas of

conflict, to exchange and develop programs that strengthen local

communities. In these collaborative efforts, we also need to encourage and

support women as leaders for durable peace.

In the meantime, we ask you to support this Belgrade 17 NGO Appeal and take

the first step towards helping us build an alternative peace plan that

focuses on healing people that have experienced atrocities of war.

We are looking forward to hearing from you. We would be happy to answer any

questions you may have.

In peace,

Anne de la Bouillerie Goeke, June Lang, Mary LeVasseur, Janice Lion, and Luz



Deeply shocked by NATO strikes devastation of our country and the plight of

Kosovo Albanians, we, the representatives of non-governmental organisations

and the Nezavisnost Trade Union Confederation, energetically demand from

those who have created this tragedy to immediately take all necessary steps

to create conditions for the resumption of peace process.

For two weeks now the most powerful military, political and economic

countries in the world have been killing people and destroying military and

civilian facilities, bridges, railway lines, factories, heating plants,

storage facilities and fuel tanks. This has produced an exodus of

unprecedented proportions. Hundreds of thousands of Yugoslavs, primarily

ethnic Albanians, are forced to leave their devastated homes to escape the

bombing and military actions of the regime and KLA, in the hope that they

will find salvation in the tragic status of refugee.

It is obvious that all this leads to a catastrophe and that a negotiated and

peaceful solution to the Kosovo problem, which we have urged for years, is

now farther than ever.

Our effort to develop democracy and a civic society in Yugoslavia and help

it restore its membership of all international institutions have taken place

under constant pressure by the Serbian regime.

We, the representatives of civil groups and organisations, have courageously

and consistently fought against every war-mongering and nationalistic

policy, and for the respect of human rights, and particularly against the

repression of Kosovo Albanians. We have always insisted on the respect of

their human rights and freedoms and on the restoration of autonomy for

Kosovo. Throughout this period, Serb and Albanian civil society groups were

the only ones to retain contacts and co-operation.

The NATO intervention has destroyed everything that has been achieved so far

and the very survival of the civic society in Serbia.

Faced with the current tragic situation, we put up the following demands in

the name of humanity and values and ideas that have been guiding us in our


· We demand an immediate cessation of bombing and all armed operations;

· We demand the resumption of peace process with international mediation at

the regional (Balkan) and European level, as well as in the United Nations;

· We demand from the European Union and Russia to take their charge of

responsibility for finding a peaceful solution to the crisis;

· We demand an end to the practice of ethnic cleansing and repatriation of

all refugees;

· We demand support for peace, stability and democratisation of Montenegro

and every possible action aimed at helping this republic alleviate the

disastrous consequences of the refugee crisis;

· We demand from Serbian and international media to report professionally

and impartially about current developments, to refrain from participation in

the media war and from tanning inter-ethnic hatred, hysteria and

glorification of force as the only reasonable way out of the crisis.

We are unable to achieve this on our own.

We expect from you to support our demands and help us realise them through

your actions and initiatives.

Association of Citizens for Democracy, Social Justice and Support for Trade

Unions, Belgrade Circle, Center for Cultural Decontamination, Center for

Democracy and Free Elections, Center for Transition to Democracy, Civic

Initiatives, EKO Center, European Movement in Serbia, Forum for Ethnic

Relations and Foundation for Peace and Crisis Management, Group 484,

Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Students Union of Serbia,

Union for Truth About Anti-Fascist Resistance, VIN: Weekly Video News, Women

in Black, Yugoslavian Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, and NEZAVISNOST

Trade Union Confederation. Belgrade, April 9, 1999.

WiB Network 18-4-99

Dear Friends,

Attached are two documents:

1. "Conclusions on the necessary actions to be taken in solidarity with the

civil rights movement in Serbia in Montenegro". This document contains the

conclusions of a meeting in Budapest. Women representing relevant groups of

Belgrade civil society -men weren't present because of the martial law- took

part in it. Members of civil society movements from Hungary, Poland, Czech

Republic, Romania, Moldova, Germany and Belgium participated in the meeting

as well.

2. The second one "Serbian NGO Demand for Restoration of the Peace Process"

contains a further appraisal of NGO and a demand for concrete measures for

next negotiations. It offers important points for groups supporting NGO,

Human Rights and Women movements to mobilize.


Yolanda (Women in Black Network's co-ordinator in Spain)




1. The statement of April 6 will be distributed among political actors in

the West and NGOs as paper signed by more than 25 citizen initiatives, human

rights groups and independent trade unions in Serbia.

2. The new situation characterised by martial law, arbitrary regime decrees,

war censorship and permanent war psychosis has forced the entire NGO sector

in Serbia to suspend its entire structure and activities.

3. Due to unpredictable development of the situation in the region and its

possible consequences, there will be no further public statements by the

group in Serbia. Human potential in the NGO sector in Serbia represents its

most valuable asset.

This potential is gravely jeopardised both by internal repression and

foreign intervention. Aware of this new situation and its responsibility,

the group considers adapting its activities to new circumstances.

4. The group appreciates the setting up of crisis centres in Hungary,

Germany and Brussels and will co-operate with these centres.

5. The group will participate in all kinds of humanitarian activities

including support for refugees and victims of the air raids and for

political refugees and their families in Serbia.

6. The group will initiate close co-operation with similar organisations and

movements in Belarus, Ukraine and the other countries suffering under

repressive regimes.

7. On the practical level, each opportunity has to be examined and utilised

to establish links with organisations in countries without visa and other

administrative restriction so as to provide for safety and security of NGO

activists from Serbia should it be necessitated,

8. The group singles out the specifically complex situation the

democratisation process in Montenegro and all the forces behind are faced

with, and the necessity to support them.

Serbian NGO Demand for Restoration of the Peace Process

NATO bombardment and armed conflicts in Kosovo must stop. The only way out

of the crisis is an unconditional restoration of the peace process.

Since the effects of erratic policies are mass destruction of human life and

devastation of the land, restoration of the peace process shall be a

difficult task, which will require participation of everyone who is able to

make contributions to development and implementation of suitable solutions.

If this issue continues to be resolved only by the people who have caused

the explosion of the Kosovo crisis and the whole Yugoslav tragedy, an

effective, just and rational solution to the Balkan crisis will not be achieved.

In the past ten years, embracing the principles of human rights, democratic

transition, dialogue and understanding, a strong network of civic

organisations has been established, representing the interest of a large

number of citizens from the troubled region.

These organisations had both Serbs and Albanians active in their membership

working on projects together.

This is why these organisations, including the Nezavisnot Trade Union

Confederation can contribute to a successful course of the peace process, to

initiation of a dialogue between appropriate segments of the Serbian and

Albanian societies that could lead to reconciliation and solutions

acceptable to the conflicted parties,

In all previous attempts to solve the Yugoslav crisis, international

representatives have approached government representatives and those social

structures in Serbia and Kosovo, which they considered influential.

Unfortunately, these structures mostly had radical views and nationalist

policies, including even the KLA taken for the partner. At the same time,

initiatives and opinions of democratic structures in the civil society that

eventually turned out to be correct and well grounded were not taken into


After these considerations, the civic organisations in Serbia that have

signed this document and UGS Nezavisnost demand:

1. Participation of representatives of these organisations in all future

peaceful solving processes of the Kosovo crisis and other problems generated

by the disintegration of Yugoslavia.

2. Establishment of a permanent International Conference of civic

organisations from the Balkans, South-east Europe and, finally, the whole of

Europe, that would actively take part in these processes and as well as in

finding ways to political, economical and social developments aimed to

stabilise this region.

We believe that you shall consider our arguments and support our initiative.

Belgrade, April 13th 1999.

· Association of Citizens for Democracy, Social Justice and Support for

Trade Unions

· Belgrade Circle

· Center for Democracy and Free Elections

· Center for Transition to Democracy

· Civic Initiatives

· EKO Center

· Belgrade Women Studios Center

· European Movement In Serbia

· Forum for Ethnic Relations end Foundation for Peace and Crisis Management

· Group 484

· Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia

· The Student Union of Yugoslavia

· Union for Truth About Anti-Fascist Resistance

· VIN - Weekly Video News

· Women in Black

· YU Lawyers' Committee for Human Rights

· District 0230 Kikinda

· Urban - in Novi Pazar, and

· NEZAVISNOST Trade Union Confederation