Frederikshavn d. 17.05.99

Den internationale fredsbevægelses linie på Balkankrigen

On Mon, 17 May 1999 06:54:36 +0200,skriver Jørgen R. Madsen, FN-forbundet:


Som det fremgår af vedhæftede og nedenstående statement ("--res.doc")

lykkedes det på den store internationale fredskonference i Haag efter hårdt

arbejde faktisk at finde fælles fodslag i forhold til Kosovo-konflikten og


Den endelige formulering er udarbejdet af et 4 personers redaktionsudvalg

nedsat ved slutningen af den i udtaleteksten angivne proces og med

undertegnede som deltager.

Desværre muliggjorde den i forvejen besluttede procedure for

fredskonferencens afsluttende plenum ikke en egentlig vedtagelse af

udtalelsen. Men fra redaktionskomiteen vil vi hævde at en afstemning ville

have givet over 90% stemmer for, idet vi kun har kendskab til reservationer

fra 2 sider.

Hovedtrækkene i udtalelsen er

-at krigen på Balkan er en af mange og at verdens regeringer via FN er

ansvarlige for dels at få en ende på dem dels at opbygge systemer, der

hindrer udviklingen af sådanne fremtidige krige.

-at såvel bombninger og menneskeretsovertrædelser skal stoppes

øjeblikkeligt i en sammenhængende proces, hvor det internationale samfund

på forskellig måde massivt bidrager til en fremadrettet løsning, der

bringer alle de berørte befolkningsgrupper i en vinderposition.

Fra processen så det også ud som om, der blandt fredsfolkene ville være

klart flertal for et forslag om i den efterfølgende retsproces at bruge

sandhedskommission(er) på lavere niveauer og den internationale

kriminaldomstol/tribunalet i Haag for de hovedanklagede, men forsøg på

formulering i den begrænsede tid kunne nemt have ført til mindre bred

enighed om det samlede resultat.

Vedhæftet(her gengivet nedenfor, ah) er også et forslag fra FN-forbundet til opsummeringssessionen.

Ingen var imod forslaget (som FN-forbundet formidler til den danske

delegation ved regeringskonferencen), men formatet passede ikke i den

samlede udtalelse.

Jørgen R. Madsen

59 44 15 26


Proposed statement on the war in the Balkans for the final plenary session

of the Hague Appeal for Peace Conference.

.000 people have met this week to learn from one another and to discuss

long and short term strategies and actions to create a world without war.

Many hundreds have come here from war zones, where there is daily killing,

violence, massive human rights abuses and the use of weapons against

civilians, particularly women and children. Many here are refugees, some

have been without a home and country for decades, some for only days or


But many thousands of us come from countries which are at present involved

in war here in Europe and we have been struggling with how to address this

within the context of this conference.

Several hundred people have met on 3 nights for a total of 14 hours and

although there has not been unanimity, it was the feeling of the vast

majority of those involved, that the following statement should be

presented to the final plenary.

We participants at the Hague Appeal for Peace Conference call for:

an immediate end to the war on the ground and in the air in Kosovo, Serbia

and Montenegro;

the urgent reintroduction of an enlarged force of OSCE-monitors to end

intimidation of the remaining civilian population;

the introduction of humanitarian agencies to address the plight of

internally displaced Kosovars

the creation of conditions for the safe return of all those who have been

driven from their homeland;

the adherence to all aspects of international humanitarian law and human

rights conventions by all parties to the conflict;

immediate involvement of the United Nations in the search for creative and

viable solutions for a secure and equitable future for all the people of

the region;

the devotion by the international community of massive political and

financial resources to a comprehensive economic and social reconstruction

plan for the affected region;

the recognition of the United Nations by all governments as the only

appropriate body to authorise international action to maintain or restore

peace, security and respect for human rights;

the examination by the governmental conference in the Hague 18-20. of May

of instruments which could have been developed to prevent the Kosovo


NGO's can make a vital contribution to a peaceful outcome in the Balkans

and in all other areas of conflict by offering support to those

courageously acting for peace and justice in their region.



For the Kosovo dialog on ways to peace Friday

On the theme "No more Kosovos"

Urge the governmental conference in Hague 18-20 of May to make a full list of instruments, that if they had existed or been fully developed could have helped preventing or at least diminished the present Kosovo catastrophe, purposing as a central point at the UN Millennium Assembly to develop such necessary instruments.

In addition the governmental conference ought to identify clearly major and minor inconveniences in the present international security structures.

By Jorgen Madsen

Danish UN Association

PS Instruments includes legislations, structures, procedures etc.


Kommentar: Men denne væsentlige begivenhed har vi vist ikke hørt en lyd, set et billede eller linie om i danske medier ?.Der var ellers tale om en milepæl i den internationale fredsbevægelses historie og f.eks. gav både Kofi Annan og to statsledere på det afsluttende plenum reelt udtryk for, at NGO-fredskonferencen var vigtigere end regeringernes konference under FN 18-20 maj. ifølge Jørgen R. Madsen, tilstedeværende og medarrangør af konferencen for FN-forbundet

Arne Hansen